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Hi, guys. Videos are great and all, but here is a quick recap. I am leaving for Rostov-on-Don in an hour, along with the first batch of my stuff. I am adding music and sounds to the game. One short scene is still missing from the game. All the extra (behind the scenes and making off) materials are still missing from the game. When I say that those are the only things that are missing from the game I don't take into account those additional sub-quests we were supposed to be adding with DAHR. There is a possibility that we will cancel the whole sub-quests thing in favor of sooner release. I am not putting this up for a vote because this is a decision I will have to make myself. Also we reached $7000 and PayPal already contacted me about filling out my TAX forms. Still all this is very exciting but I can't get carried away. Task at hand is the move and "HT" release. Then we'll see... http://youtu.be/3-C4f65WglM


Leaving the ghetto behind.... (step one).

Uploaded by Akabur on 2014-11-18.



Ohh man that's like half a day drive to your place :D


Congrats on the success! Think of the possibilities. You have a whole new city of stray cats to feed. ;)


Your moving and the HT have something in common, both are difficult at first both once everything is set and done you will be happy. About the content you will make the best decision, so no worries about that. Tax are bothersome, but try to fullfill everything, no one want to have problems^^ Best of lucks with the move and we are all happy for you.


Take all the time you need getting settled into your new apartment, uprooting your life is stressful enough as it is. Hope you enjoy your new place.


Wow, congrats on 7,000 man. Now that's proof people like your work. Good luck with the move, glad to hear you decided to go ahead and move.


Good luck moving m8. Good to hear you'll be safer.


It's allways cool to have news from you, it's cool you can move, I hope there will be no fire there ^^ About the game, the music sound great, about the sub quest, personaly, I'm ready to wait a bit more, it would be sad that your and Dahr work go to waste. And be prepared, soon, YOU WILL BE OVER 9000 !!! :D


Break a leg, this is going stellar , I am really happy for you, to think we used to send you paypal donations so you could get new pants, this makes me all soft inside. You show progress in the game, therefor you dont need to hurry with it


I don't think the sub-quests and all that go with it will be wasted, he (or they) could keep it for a latter update or it can be material for a "gold edition". In any case I'm really looking forward to play this game ! And Akabur, congrats for your moving and good luck it will be a lot of work ;)


Congratz bro, you deserve it! Waiting for HT!


Only 2+ hours actually. That makes the whole thing way less stressful for me then it could have been.


Yeah, not much fun. But living in a bigger city should make many things easier for me. Good art supply stores, art-studios where I could take live drawing and stuff...


Congrats on leaving the ghetto! Though I hope you'll find new cats to feed - those videos were pretty cute ;-)


Good news all around!! Congrats for your new home, Mr. A, and thank you for your efforts with HT!


I hope you decide to put in the extra stuff with Dahr before you release the game, but whatever you think is best works best for me. Good luck on moving and I hope you'll feel better in your new crib. Keep up the good work and stay safe.


Congrats Akabur :D You have levelled up your domain!


I'm giddy as a school girl for the release. Also, hope the move goes really well and you don't lose anything! Enjoy the new and better abode!


I'm sure the cats will miss you


Congratulations on 7k. But I do have a question tho ... You said you will release the game and maybe leave the subquest out. So how much of the game is roughly done and at how much will it be released? 80%? Great job so far. Keep it up. :)


Congratulations!!! Maybe you can go for release without sub-quests, but leave them for update, of GOLD edition some day, if they so time consuming to add now? P.S. If all will go as planned, i'll have good rise of income soon, and definitely will throw a little more adequate sums of money your way. Just keep doing awesome stuff! )


There are not nearly as many cats here, since it's a big city. But I'm sure I'll be able to track a few later :)


Heh... Yeah... Settling down here little by little... Hope to post a proper vid report soon.


Game is almost ready... And I've been saying this for two months now I think. I will release it as soon as it's %100 ready. Or as soon as it's 120% ready. Extra 20% being the sub-quests. But since it's completely playable without them, right now it's a 50/50 chance that those sub-quests will get cut.


Yeah... There is a possibility that the sub-quests will get cut in favor of sooner release. Although they are not terribly time consuming because they will have very little text... (mostly DHAR's art).


Thanks. You support and trust in my is incredibly encouraging. And ironically that is what pushing me to release the game without the sub-quests. But whatever I decide you may be sure that the game would be worth all this wait! (God, I better be right about this...)


Heh... You I couldn't agree more, my friend. And thank you for your support, as usual.