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Alright, I have several things I want to talk about, so I will break this update into increments... 1. I am working on the tittle illustration. (pic above). It feels strangely exciting to be drawing again. I didn't realize it's been so long since I drew something significant. I don't think I am spoiling to much by showing you this one. Also I spent yesterday's evening and today's entire morning working on some (super secret) feature that I previously gave up on because of the lack of time. But yesterday I for some reason felt a strong urge to work on the thing... and I gave in to the urge. Simply could not resist. And I am glad I decided to work on it, because it didn't take me nearly as long as I thought it would and now the game has another little (AWESOME) feature in it's arsenal. I am torn between my desire to brag about that new feature but at the same time I want you guys to discover it on your own... I think I will stick with the later. 2. My internet connection is back up. I was stealing internet from my neighbor's unprotected wi-fi up until now, and it was barely working... It;s good to have a decent connection again. 3. We had another little (FUCKING) fire few hours ago. I really need to move... Seriously. Here is THE VIDEO: http://youtu.be/sTcGecekz48 4. Xaljio... I mentioned this guy many times before. He is my personal Ren'Py consultant and now he has a patreon page. So if you have a buck to spare, throw it his way. Feel free to take it from me... Seriously. Now, I always write the scripts myself, but I have no talent for programming. Also I have no patience to learn things, to be a Ren'Py forum rat and read tutorials and stuff. I were to look for a needle in a hay stag, I would not waste time analyzing which part of the stag is most likely to contain the needle or which method of search to use. Instead I would start looking for the thing right away. Meticulously, one straw after another. It can't be helped, that's just how my mind works. I hate to waste time when I can be doing actual work (even if I do it in a not efficient way). Thanks to Xaljio I don't have to bother with things like that though. Every time I stumble on a problem I just send the entire "stag" to him and he finds the "needle" for me and then explains to me in detail how I should look for that needle properly myself next time. "Princess Trainer" is a pretty damn simple game but without Xaljio's help it would probably be just a click-click-click visual novel. Also back when I started all this there was NO MONEY in making these games. And he was helping me without asking for anything in return, so now if he can get at least something back, it would make me feel happy. In any case here is his page, whenever you feel like it - you know what to do. http://www.patreon.com/xaljio Also in "Princess Trainer" I will be using a clever code that will allow you to play dress up with Lola (or Iris) and they will be keeping their outfits throughout all the cut-scenes now. This is something I ALWAYS (!!!) wanted to have in the game and now I can do it easily. Would never happen without Xaljio's help. Alright, alright that's enough I think. Like I said - working on the title illustration. Done with all the Snape related crap. Next thing will be two short events. Then I think gallery and extras. After that a million of small things that are still missing: (Some item descriptions, proper item prices, ect.) And after that either a first actual testing of everything (by me) or maybe those short side-quests. Also the game is shaping out to be really good. I say this because I wasn't always sure about the choices I made with this one. But now I see that there are so many things that even if some ideas won't really work the rest will. And it does :) Alright, all I had to say. Thank you for everything. Can't wait to leave this ghetto behind, can't wait to release "HT" and can't wait to get to working on "Princess Trainer GE"... Now it is time for my dayly back up. Better hurry up before another gas explosion or something.




its great that things are lining up for you in your life. I know that there was no real money to be made from PT, but that was one of the things that lead to the large amount of money that we donate based on the faith that we have on you and your ever expanding library of games and pictures. All i can say is Muses bless and Keep Calm and Support Akabur.


Thanks for the update, Glad you have a good connection again, an please, escape from there, you not have enough lives to be on a fire building, and as things move in Russia, you better move soon, so the move is completed in just a few Months. I think that artists should work on feelings, so glad you surrender to the "urge" it would be an amazing feature in the game. Thanks for sharing this with us. That is an amazing face, loved her gesture ^^


PS how are the ghetto cats taking the explosion?


Yes. Let's just hope that I will be able to keep working like this for quite sometime and will release quite a few games before something DOES goes wrong...


Yes... Thank you, my friend. Yes, it is nice to "follow the urge" once in a while. Especially now when I have you guys to back me up.


The live in the basement. I don't think they give a damn :)


Nice to have an update. Take care of yourself.


Nice update, I will be sure to throw some bucks at xaljio :) And, well, if this goes on, you should call it Hermion trainer and the fire of goblet ^^ I hope you can move soon to a safer place full of hot babe that want to help you keep your pencil in shape :)

Tracy Scops

You really gotta get the hell away from that building asap.


Thanks for the update. I will donate a few bucks to Xaljio. I know exactly what you mean in regards to programming and being a forum rat... I tried my hand at RenPy years back and now moved to RPG Maker. Even then, I love writing, drawing, eventing, but man, the scripting is killing me. I finally had to break down and pay someone to do battle scripts. It is damn hard to be a one-man developer, you need such a broad skill set... Anyways, keep up the good work. I wish you much progress!


Good to hear that the game keeps improving. Can't wait to finally play it, but I don't mind waiting a little longer for those side quests.


Exciting stuff. Threw Xaljio some dosh, did the same for Dahr recently as well. Happy to support the Akabur crew. Nice to hear everything is moving along well. Can't wait to see the final image.


Wait, a FIRE?! After the explosion AND fire you had a few days ago? Get a hotel-room! Move! Whatever needs done to get you out of that firetrap! I do not want crispy Akabur.


Ha-ha... Yeah... Seriously though, this building seem to have the worst luck fires-wise.


So who is that we hear talking? Is that Mrs. Akabur? ,,, Or Lola? Perhaps they are one int eh same :P


Wow. You wrote about me so cool that I want to give money to myself now. :D Thank you, friend!

Jack Trowell

Wait, I'm confused about the place you live in, were you not already supposed to leave it with the "Leave the ghetto behind." milestone ? Or have you already moved and just got a case of very bad luck with your new home ? Or is it just that you have been so occuped by finishing the game that you didn't have any time left for something as silly as finding a nice place to live ... ^__^


Shaping up great so far! Love the attention to detail. Movie accurate wand. Also the short sleeved sweater is really great (Dahr came up with this?). Didn't see it in the movies, nor remember it from the books. Glad you keep a decent breast size, not much smaller than on Dahr's poster. So excited for what you're preparing for us! And you definitely should move out to a place with an electric cooker. The building is fucking falling apart.


Fantastic update. For the first time, it really feels like you are almost there - at least to me. Keep the good work, rest, take your time, follow your instinct, be confident, be proud. I think the game will be a bomb. So happy to be here, witnessing the magic.


Your support and this comment in particular is the magic. Thanks, man.


Dahr did not come up with any sweaters. The poster was based on my original designs that I still keep a secret :) But he did design an in-game item: vibrator after Hermione's movie wand. So when I was drawing this one I remembered it and decided to follow the movie as well. Although I am surprised you could make it out at all on this sketch. I also like it how some people like the fact that she have big tits here and others not so much.^^ And I hope to move real soon. I will keep you guys posted.


Thats a great drawing. Im really excited for this. I was just wondering though, when Hermione Trainer is finished how much will it cost and where will we be able to buy it? Ive been looking around and I couldnt find that information.


I plan to release "HT" on HentaiUnited. Here on Patreon it will be available for every $10+ pledge the moment I release it. I also plan to release it for free few months later like I did with "Princess Trainer".


Heh... Any amount is too much for a mathematically challenged fellow like me. That's why I'm happy to I have Xaljio to pick his brain when I encounter problems...


Dude, nothing changed. It's not like I reached the goal and got magically transported to a new location. I plan to move, but everything take forever here... Also I would hate to start the moving process before I release the game... I will be moving to a decent place. There will be a BIG difference, you'll see. (Hopefully before another explosion or something).


Finally pulled the trigger and decided to support, Just 10$ but it's all I can afford atm. Next month I'll switch it to Xaljio, then back and forth between you two.


$10 is more then enough. And I'm sure Xaljio will appreciate it.