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Here are the wip shots for Roman's latest cougar experience. For some background on it, this was actually planned some two years ago with my friend Bronx who owns Ivy where we'd pair her and Roman up for a few pics when he had a big US tour with his hockey team and, clearly back when he was a little less gentlemanly ha. We have another one planned too which is in sketch stage and I may get to work on it soon. 

I'd had this piece in WIP stage for a very long time indeed, more so than I'm proud to admit, with a few struggles in the sketch especially, one of which (the red lines) my buddy Luraiokun helped me with. The background came together slowly and, toward the last week of 2023 it honestly didn't take too much to dust off despite battling with the rendering stage. I'd increasingly become frustrated with how I render figures which I'm currently trying a few things to improve and hopefully let my work look less "overworked". But aside from that, for now, all I can say is drawing fluids is damn hard lol.

Hope you don't mind the lewds, though I have a feeling most of you don't, especially where Roman's concerned. :P More to come. 




Great work as always bro! Certainly don't mind the lewds, if anything I wouldn't mind seeing more lmao