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As you might have noticed I posted no new work this past month, for that I am very sorry and it was not my intention. I don't really want to list my reasons like they are excuses but, as some of you have decided to support me with your money, I think I owe you an explanation. 

Currently, I've been diagnosed with Covid19 as of two days ago and am self-isolating. I'm well enough, mentally clear, but tired and physically weak while I take my time off to get better. This has however made me not wish to spend time in front of a screen focussing, so I have don't very little besides sit in my bed and read. 

During this month, before I was ill, I'd been busy working average 6 day weeks which did not help the time I had to spend on art. I did manage to stream a little, which I am grateful for, but it was not enough to get anything finished to post as of yet, shoving my projects into next month. 

Both projects were slow this month because I had to start them from scratch which I find is the hardest as it involves a lot of tinkering, thinking and generally stuff I don't stream.  I had a hurdle of motivation to get over, which I did about halfway through January.

With that said, while I'm sat in bed for the next few days. I hope to have some pencil sketches to show you, which, I hope to hold you guys for a while before I am back into full swing. Apologies for the lack of content. When I get better you'll see me stream again then.





Wishig you a speedy recovery


Jeez that's horrible! Get well soon !


Good luck and I hope that you're feeling better.


Health to you, man!

e Pon

Rest up, buddy!