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Alright, so, the first WIPs of an exciting new project I have been working for the past two months. 

Off the Set will be a romance comic set in St Petersburg, starring Jeff winters and my Rada Vavilov, written primarily by myself, though with the help of my friend Bronx. 

I started the initial sketches of this quite a while ago, more so as one-off images, as, originally, this would have been a mural, rather than a full-blown comic. But, I had far too many ideas I wanted to include for myself to be satisfied with a single image, and hence work began on my first comic. This has been quite a learning curve, but fun and importantly, manageable. 

I'd always wanted to do a comic, especially centred around Rada's hometown and her life there, and, crossing both Jeff and her together, I thought this would be a nice opportunity to do so, with some nice romantic moments in between. 

I had to do some small research too, so I got the Russian grammar correct, my friend Sophia really deserves a thank you for this, because without her, I would have been lost.

Another thing to note about comics is, it's not just the art I had to focus on, but also the conveyance of action, progression, emotion, story and dialogue (you will see that in the later pages to come). Though, I found if I kept my planning basic (for now), I can sort the details out on the actual canvass, which is why my pencil storyboards as very bare.

Total hours on this one (I think) were in the range of 15 to 20. I hope to have more pages soon because I really want to tell this story!



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