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Hey guys, so the poll for which character to be asked ended yesterday. 

Niina won it by 2 votes.

I was actually going to wait a week or so before posting this but decided to do it now. Also thank you for all the people who voted haha I got about 50+ people who voted which was really awesome!

Ok, so now you can submit your questions if you want to. 

Be sure to direct them toward the character and feel free to ask anything. 

I will pick 3 of my favourite questions to answer on Friday evening this week. So get asking! ;) 

I will also announce this on my FA so don't worry it will be linked on there too. Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with! 



e Pon

Niina, what do you where to bed? Does it change between seasons? I often flip between huge onesies in winter and vest+panties in summer.

Cat in Flight

Your piercings are rather attractive, Niina, what effect do they have on intimate interactions? Also, have you ever participated in a parade or, say, a fashion show?


Niina, what's your favorite thing to do in your free time? How do you relax after a long day?

Korben the Dragon

Nina, what's your secret to getting such an awesome butt? Your's is truly amazing :D


Hey Niina! When you're relaxing alone, what do you like to do?


Which one you prefer more, males or females?

Janja TLK

she sexy

Alexander Marrero

What's your preferred partner size? Larger or smaller than you?


Nice piercings can we have a good look at them? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hey Niina, How do you like to dress when not posing in erotic? Do you dress sexy too or more conservatively?