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The last few weeks have been emotionally exhausting, in many different ways - both in comic world and real world. Here's hoping there's only upwards to go!

Last call for patron postcard sign-ups before I open this up to new patrons! ❤️




Bruuhg I hear ya, I hope things are starting to look up for you, or at least will soon, you deserve a break T_T (Also aw HECK I've been sliding patreon updates into a Later folder so I can dodge spoilers til I can properly catch up on Tapas but waaait what's this about signups, is it too late to get in on one of those beautiful cards?)


Oh no!! I sent you one in December, did you not get it? Maybe it was to the wrong address? If you could message me your current one I’ll pop another in the mail for you!! ❤️

Breno Marostica

Just received mine yesterday and I loved it ❤️