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...and they are gorgeous! Now I know to hit colors that feel sliiiiightly too light on a screen and they print out really nicely. I printed out the cover for the webcomic as a little bonus and that's going out to everyone as well. 

Thank you to everyone who has input their address; yours will be going out in the mail tomorrow.

If you'd like yours, please fill out your address according to the info below! I am shipping internationally too.

Info on how to update or add your address (https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002832686-How-do-I-update-my-shipping-address-#h_01FHRK4FFSH9B1017D7RAD5TJ8)

How to add or update your address on your Account Settings

  1. While logged into your Patreon account, settings from the left navigation menu list
  2. Click on the Account link from the menu
  3. In the Shipping address section of the page, you can add a new address or click the Edit button to update your address
  4. Select which creators you'd like to share or update your shipping information with at the bottom of the form
    Note: Only creators who request a shipping address from their patrons, will appear on the list
  5. Click the Save button

In any case, see you tomorrow morning at 9am. Get ready - there's gonna be ouchies.




AAAAAA I'm so excited!!!


My postcards just arrived in the post. Thank you. I love them