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Hello all!!!

Phew, got the postcards to where I like 'em! Thank you all so much for your patience.

All current members - PLEASE fill out an address where you can receive this in December! I know some might not have a safe space to receive this postcard, so if you'd like me to hold on to it until you can receive it, please feel free to message me and let me know (alternately, don't fill out your address if you don't want a physical postcard at all).

New signups until November 18th in the Cove tier will receive the Shark card, and Lighthouse members will additionally receive the Coral card!

I want to thank you all so so much for your support over the past few months; even though it's been crazy busy know that I really appreciate it!! ❤️❤️❤️

EDIT: Info on how to update or add your address (https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002832686-How-do-I-update-my-shipping-address-#h_01FHRK4FFSH9B1017D7RAD5TJ8)

How to add or update your address on your Account Settings

  1. While logged into your Patreon account, settings from the left navigation menu list
  2. Click on the Account link from the menu
  3. In the Shipping address section of the page, you can add a new address or click the Edit button to update your address
  4. Select which creators you'd like to share or update your shipping information with at the bottom of the form
    Note: Only creators who request a shipping address from their patrons, will appear on the list
  5. Click the Save button



So M

They are so beautiful! Is this for USA only?


I'm late nooo


You can get it if you fill out or message me your address!! I made enough for all my patrons & in case any get damaged!!