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Two nights ago Bruce decided to haul my ass out of bed and draw 4 extra pages of him fighting for Clark, and then he calls him this instead...🙃



Lucas Sindelar

This man's true love language consists of insults and defensive maneuvers. It's up to true Bruce-ologists to determine if he's actually insulting you or flirting with you. There is a difference between "You idiot!" and "✨️You idiot!✨️"


I mean, he's going to yell at Clark either way. He can't not yell at Clark. He's yelling at Clark in his head even when he's making out with Clark in his head. It's only through prolonged makeouts with Clark IRL that he can manage to stop yelling at Clark in or out of his head, really.


Clark: kisses him so hard that Bruce.exe stops working. Finally. Silence. 😂