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Sorry ya'll...it's... it's not looking good.😩

Next episode will be up on Sept 13!




Bruce stop being such a butthead 🥺

Lucas Sindelar

*screaming quietly in physical and emotional pain* And the fact that we have Clark prioritizing just being CLARK over Superman is something I need to see mire of in mainstream. Yes, Superman saves the day and all, but Clark keeps him grounded to the people around him. I think the comics forgets that sometimes. Yes, he's am alien, but he grew up on Earth. He's one of us, and this version of Clark perfectly encapsulates it. 👌👌🤌🤌😭😭🥺🥺😥😥


Clark could've been a little more sensitive to calling Bruce the same as the people who killed his parents - but yes, it's tough to navigate and Bruce is definitely more volatile. He still cares though and wants Clark far away from the situation. 😩


Totally!! I love it when Clark puts humanity on a pedestal, and he notices & appreciates the best of us. But it's also heartbreaking when he sees how cruel humans can be to each other. And, I love that Bruce carries so much cynicism for his fellow humans. They really play off of each other really well that way.