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I love mirroring previous panels 😏

Justice Beach is turning 1 in May! Starting next month I'm trying out moving back to weekly updates, with the caveat that episodes will be half the length (more or less) they used to be. Hopefully this will keep more momentum going into the final 5-6 months of the comic (if I can stick to the schedule, haha). 

I actually love alternating between writing/ thumbnails/inking/flatting, and while weekly is a smidge anxiety-inducing at least I get to rotate between those more frequently & not mess up my arm from doing one thing for too long.

Thanks for sticking with me so far!! ❤️❤️❤️




Ehehe oh yeah, it’s all coming together.. (Also weh hope the stress isn’t a worse tradeoff for getting to cycle through different steps of the rough-to-final process!)

Ms Kitty

congrats on a whole year wow!!