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...Bruce is in the brine. 

I am considering moving back to weekly updates as the comic moves into the last 10-12 chapters or so... but breaking them up into half the length than what I've been currently doing - so 8-10 pages per week instead of 16-20. 

Thoughts? Is that jarring to readers when that happens? I'll find the scene breaks so it's not too obvious, but wondering if it's annoying to suddenly go from scrolling longer chapters to the shorter ones.




👀Ohh! One of my favourite whump tropes! I am personally a fan of long chapters but I believe most people these days actually have an easier time digesting more frequent and bite-sized content so if you feel like switching back to weekly updates, I'm sure a majority of your audience would appreciate it👍 And I really can't imagine anyone (except for entitled and ungrateful little shits😒) would find it jarring or annoying to suddenly have shorter chapters (especially if the narrative remains somewhat cohesive).


Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I'm considering the switch to weekly mostly because I'm excited to ramp into the ending, and weekly can draw a bigger audience (huge slow-down ever since I switched to bi-weekly). I'm going to thumbnail out the next few chapters a bit further and see where the breaks would sit, and see if it even works! The end of this current action bit would benefit from it but I don't know about the next few...