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Hi F5 smashers! Spare your keyboards today.

I need to work on the next chapter a bit more. The first draft is okay but I need to add 1) an ethnocentric joke 2) snappy dialogue 3) the emotional heart of the scene.

Which will take more than an hour I reckon.

Look out for it tomorrow at the usual time!



I know. Soz. It didn't quite flow over the weekend like it normally does.


Roger that, take the time it needs

Richard Carling

A person belonging to an ethnic group whose members are commonly considered to have certain stereotypical mannerisms met another person belonging to a different ethnic group with a different set of imputed stereotypical mannerisms. The first person acted in a manner consistent with the stereotypes associated with his ethnic group, and proceeded to make a remark which might be considered to establish conclusively his membership in that group, whereupon his companion proceeded to make a remark with a double meaning, the first meaning of which could be interpreted to indicate his agreement with his companion, but the other meaning of which serves to corroborate his membership in his particular ethnic group. The first person took offense at his remark, and reacted in a stereotypical way! Apparently this is the formula. I'm hoping you find something more pithy to subvert the genre.


I appreciate the heads up! I know that generating content at the quality and quantity that you do takes a ton of effort. I’m happy to wait.


These chapters are what make Mondays bearable, but the notice is appreciated.


they are the lasagna to my garfield that makes waking up on a monday worth it