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Didn't even realize that I would end up enjoying them as much as I have! Jihoo is absolutely in the son line, and I'm so happy that I'm getting to know Junghyun (I knew more about Jeonghyun lol) a bit more because he is toooooo cute and I love his tone and BRUH, the talent in this group is excellent, it's actually a shame that they're temporary but hopefully they'll have a fruitful career and the success follows them afterwards!



jihoo really is the cutest, and saaame in my head jihoo is tiny and to realise that he`s actually way taller then me is very weird. i kinda want to adopt both jihoo and junghyun. Also i just watched onf on weekly idol and remembered you talking about wanting to get to know them better and i think that episode is pretty informative about them and obvi hilirious bc its onf.