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Prompt Blocks added for mixing multiple prompts with per prompt weights
- 'Normalize Prompt Weights' toggle parameter
- 'Total Weight Slider' parameter to set amount to normalize prompt weights.

Seeds Blocks added for mixing multiple seeds with per seed weights
- 'Total Seed Noise Multiplier' parameter to boost/reduce overall noise
- NOTE: Mixing the same seed isn't recommended, but mixing different seeds should blend.

Improved Installation Process (all moved to the "Install" parameter page)
   - Checks for correct python version (3.10) and cuda version (11.8 or 12.1)
   - Paired down to essential imports + preps for tensorrt installation.
   - Additional Installation Pulse for tensorrt. Need to run after main install. But should be working.
   - if you had issues before. delete the venv folder and try with this operator.
   - IMPORTANT NOTE [ for TensorRT ]: it will take around 10 minutes or so for the model to build an engine the first time you launch with tensorrt. BE PATIENT. there will be minutes where it seems like nothing is happening. This process only needs to happen once per step count / model id. And the engines that are made are cached inside StreamDiffusion/engines in case you want to delete them later.

Other fixes/improvements !
- Fixed the issue that requires the enable/disable after stream starts
- Fixed Spout BGR color issue.
- Improved handling of NDI 'stream in name' to ensure unique name from the StreamDiffusion server
Parameter Menu Pages Cleaned.
- Settings/setup changed to Settings 1/2 Page
- Settings 1 page is now dedicated to settings that can be changed when the stream is active.
- Install page added for dedicated installation/Basefolder parameters


Raquel F.

Hi there! Thanks a lot for this! Unfortunately after installing everything and press "Start stream" a cmd window appears and then goes away without giving any error message. Stream Info says "Not Streaming". Any idea of what could be the problem? I've also tried with the first version and I have the same problem... Thanks for your help and work!

Raquel F.

Ignore me, I forgot to install the NDI... Once I did that and reinstalled everything again it worked perfectly. Thanks so much! This is so much fun :)

Andrea Tamburrini

not working with cuda 12.1 @dotsimulate :(

Andrea Tamburrini

@dot thers a way in the development of your code in TD to check different version of cuda or installing parallel cuda (like pyenv for python for example) to perform the last cuda version or the best for the machin?