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Ok as mentioned amongst the rewards, here is the place to suggest characters or ideas for future polls.

So if there is a specific character, game/movie/TV/comic, etc series or a type of TF, just post here and they will be considered for future inclusion.




Personally, I'm a real big fan of stuff like bottling, so seeing more of that would be really nice. As for characters, I'd love to see the likes of Pyra or even Morag from Xenoblade 2, more Fire Emblem girls, and maybe even some Dragon Maid, specifically Tohru and Elma.


How about Food TF for one of your characters to become? So you choose which one of your character is gonna be transformed and we pick the what they transform into through the poll.


How about Female Corrin for Fire Emblem Fates flattened ? There's no TF of her anywhere ^^


Allright, Well I haven't seen alot of Hanako from katawa shoujo , or My hero academia's Tsyu "Froppy" Asui with some tounge shenanagins. As for a type of tf, grinder, playdough mold, getting cd-rom'd and erased into a blur of color, or even corupted and glitched out into a mangled up glob.


Would love to see some more League flattenings. Really enjoyed Watch for the Bounce


What Slyvanas Windrunner from world of Warcraft?