Campaigns Update with the January 2024 income! (Patreon)
This month due to specific circumstances, we had a huge peak of income and this means that the Campaigns will get a pretty higher than usual amount!!!
Thanks to you all, we made amazing 200 €from the Cachomon Patreon and 25€ from the BKCachomon Patreon. This makes a total of 225€ that will go to Campaigns this month!!! :D
This is mostly because this month there was an amazing person that did a whole year subscription ^w^/ so next month the income should be more similar to what we usually have~ but still, cool!!!! Is the first person that gets the whole year and I am so happy ♥
Will try my best as always and I thank those who support from the bottom of my heart ♥
This month, the Patreon % earnings go to:
1) DIGIMON POOP+CLEAN SYSTEM got 6€ and is now at 100%! [Download]
This system will be for all the Digimon Shimeji that may need it :D (learn more here!)
2) MEI RED PANDA Shimeji got 25€ and is now at a 94%! Only 10€ left! [Download]
3) ESPEONShimeji got 25€ and now is at 60%! [Download]
4) QUILAVAShimeji got 20€ and now is at 45%! [Download]
5) TSUNOMONShimeji got 10€ and is now at 39%. [Download]
6) PUNIMONShimeji got 10€ and is now at 38%. [Download]
7) GABUMONShimeji got 10€ and is now at 35%. [Download]
8) PLAGGShimeji got 50€ and now is at 21%! [Download]
9) SHIBA INU Shimeji got 50€ and now is at 18%! [Download]
10) POCHITAShimeji got 10€ and is now at 13%. [Download]
Remember that you can donate to contribute to the campaigns to help them reach the goal much faster!
More information in the Campaigns page!
Remember that to become a Patron gives you advantages in :
Find all the passwords in the 2 links below! These passwords will grant you the power of downloading any public Shimeji without ads, also for downloading the Shimeji in Beta state and also to download the Exclusive for Patrons Shimeji. The 2023 main change was to do multiple posts instead of 1 per month :3 and I will keep that since is what almost everyone wanted~ still getting used to that but slowly getting systems to do it without wasting too much time.
Passwords for Cachomon Patreon Account
Passwords for BlackCachomon Patreon Account
And remember that to be a Patron also grants you the power to vote stronger in the Polls hosted in Patreon! The power in polls is very important for the Pokémon Project and other Campaigns ♥
· Vulpix [by Cachomon]:
Shimeji Campaign Project, part of the Pokédex Shimeji Project; this Shimeji will be downloadable by everyone once the Goal is complete, until then it will remain Beta/Exclusive.
The 6 tails version has been complete (shiny included)! But since the 1 tail and 3 tails versions are not finished yet, them all will still stay as BETA for a bit more instead of Exclusive. When born from the Egg it has a fluffy white tail, after that he gets 3 tails and finally gets the 6 we all know.
This Pokémon will be paused to attend a couple of Commissions~
You can test it HERE!!!
· Vulpix and Eevee [by Cachomon]:
My current commission ordered by @EeveeandVulpix2000! This is a variant version built of a normal Vulpix and a Male Eevee. They have the default action but no egg, no shinies and no evolutions. Although they have an interaction :D they can have a cutie smooch. This one will be downloadable by everybody but Vulpix Campaign gotta be complete first. So until then, this one will remain as Exclusive for Patrons. There is no beta of this but will be finished this weekend so you will have a special post for it very soon!
· Cassiopiea the Adian [by JM-Luxro]:
This one was also finished! Thanks JanusZephyrine for commissioning us! :D
You can test it HERE!!!
· Starshy the Gardevoir [by Vonkellcsiis][NSFW+]:
Commissioned by an Anon, they wanted a FanCharacter based on Gardevoir! The basic actions are all done (these are a mix of SFW and NSFW-) and we are currently working on few extras (that include NSFW+). Since this Shimeji has NSFW, enter the link under your own risk; you can test it HERE.
· Gardevoir [by Vonkellcsiis]:
Since someone ordered a custom Gardevoir Shimeji, we are also doing the frames for the normal Gardevoir for the Pokédex Shimeji Project. The Dex version is not testable yet, since the code itself needs a very different Core (Starshy doesn’t have egg or shiny for example, is not just a skin like other times). This Shimeji will be downloadable by everyone once the Campaign will be complete.
· Bergmite [by 0b1nary]:
0b1nary is our new team pal! And his first Shimeji contribution was the Wynaut for the Pokédex Project, now he is working on Bergmite and has a bit of a hiatus. But slowly working on it! When will be a bit more advanced we will add the entry in the website and will be testable as a Beta :3
· Kaamon [by Cachomon]:
My next commission ordered by our new Tier 15€ @Fleur de Lynx! :D
I am very excited about this one. I didn’t start yet but I will in the very next days. To let you imagine a bit how the character looks, imagine a reptile like Gabumon but with beak, with feathers like Piyomon, being creamy in the skin with dark blue feathers, and dark violet claws and details. You will see images soon! We are still planning the commission.
For more information about the Pokédex Shimeji Project you can check the Campaigns and how to Contribute to them. If you have or know someone owning and Victini, Growlithe, Umbreon, Cyndaquil, etc FanCharacter, remember that to commission it will give an immediate slot and a big % of the cost will go to the specific Pokémon Campaign! Another Species that is already made will also give a quick slot :3 like Eevee, Buizel, Shinx, etc.