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November's % for the current Campaigns:

Thanks to you all, we made 55 € from the Cachomon Patreon and 8€ from the BKCachomon Patreon. A total of 63€ to split.

This month, the Patreon % earnings go to:

1) MEI RED PANDA Shimeji got 21€ and is now at a 62%! Only 64€ left!

2) NUMEMON part part of the Gabumon Project (learn more here!) got 21€ and is now at a 75%!  Only 25€ left to leave this stage complete!

3) ESPEON Shimeji got 21€ and now is at 30%! Around 275€ left.

Remember that you can donate to contribute to the campaigns to help them reach the goal much faster! More information in the Campaigns page!


Remember that to become a Patron gives you advantages in http://www.cachomon.com :

Find all the passwords in the 2 links below! These passwords will grant you the power of downloading any public Shimeji without ads, also for downloading the Shimeji in Beta state and also to download the Exclusive for Patrons Shimeji.

Passwords for Cachomon Patreon Account

Passwords for BlackCachomon Patreon Account

And remember that to be a Patron also grants you the power to vote stronger in the Polls hosted in Patreon! The power in polls is very important for the Pokémon Project and other Campaigns




· Sparky the Jolteon [by ZappyKnot]: Commissioned by @Sparky8000, this Shimeji is a NSFW+, containing HOTSPOTS that causes TRANSFORMATIONS between NSFW- and NSFW+. This character will have another version with INTERACTIONS with another character called Mitsuri. That other character will be started soon, once it’s done we will be able to do the interactions!

The solo versions will be Public once the whole project is finished, the version with both will stay as an Exclusive. This version is FINISHED and you can test it HERE! [This link contains NSFW+, enter at your own risk]

· Buizel H-Male NSFW- [by JM-Luxro]: Commissioned by a couple of anonymous friends, this Shimeji is a Humanoid Male NSFW- version of the Buizel Shimeji. This version has small physical differences with the normal Buizel, like a straighter body (more humanoid) in specific actions and the down there bits. This version doesn’t have Egg or Shiny.

This version is still in progress but is almost done :3 should be finished soon! You can test it HERE! [This link contains NSFW-, enter at your own risk]

· Mia the Neocardinia Shrimp [by Cachomon]:  Commissioned our new 10€ tier Patron @Vineyiea. Every month there is an update showing the new actions. This month we unlock the CLONE2! And yes! This is the last action ^w^ but the project didn’t end yet. Next 2 months will cover the idle animations, gradients and such that we did in the whole Shimeji, and… next one, a cute surprise 8)

· Gabumon Line [by Cachomon]:  OK GUYS! @Tetsumon helped me a lot with this and we FINISHED painting the frames, we also fixed some graphic errors. Next step is the very last one, is coding only but is an important step :3 first gotta link all the colored versions and then to do the individual versions! Once that’s done will be ready for a proper release! But well, to be public, as always, they gotta reach their Campaign Goal :3

The full pack one will remain exclusive, the public ones will be the individual guys once their goals are reached. You can find them HERE but the individual download links are not available yet (you can try them with the Gabumon Evolution Line one, since it’s being done in the Gabumon Line Shimeji. If you are a Patron you can test that one for now.

· Espeon [by Cachomon]:  Shimeji Campaign Project, part of the Eevee Shimeji and the Pokédex Shimeji Project; this Shimeji will be downloadable by everyone once the GOAL is reached and will be also added to the Eevee Shimeji. Espeon is FINISHED! And will remain exclusive until the Campaign Goal is reached~ this month we destined a bit of cash to him. If you want to speed it up you can make a donation :3 You can test it HERE!!!

· Wynaut [by 0b1nary]:  0b1nary is our new team pal! And his first Shimeji contribution has been a Wynaut for the Pokédex Project, it turned out pretty cool! All the GIFs were submitted during the month and now you can see the whole thing together. You can test it HERE.

· Spheal [by Boinder]:  This is a Shimeji that will be done slowly by one of our team mates. The shime1 is still in progress so stay tuned for updates in Discord!

· Pokémon Dex Project Eggs logic BIG UPDATE [by JM-Luxro & Cachomon]: This is done BUT wanna give some final touches :D once all will be ready will make a special post for them! You can download them all HERE and HERE! Want to add some more stuff to them :3 can't do everything at once sorry~

For more information about the Pokédex Shimeji Project you can check the Campaigns and how to Contribute to them. If you have or know someone owning an Victini, Growlithe, Umbreon, Cyndaquil, etc FanCharacter, remember that to commission it will give an immediate slot and a big % of the cost will go to the specific Pokémon Campaign! Another Species that is already made will also give a quick slot :3 like Eevee, Buizel, Shinx, etc.



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