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Hi there my dear Patrons :)

I am happy to announce that from now on a % of the Pledges will be invested in the Collaborative Commission Campaigns! This % will directly depend of the total USDs (when Patreon will allow it will be related to EURs instead, but until then, USDs).

What's the relation then? Every 50$, a +10% will be added!

 50$ --> 10% (we are currently here when posting this)
100$ --> 20%
150$ --> 30%
200$ --> 40%
250$ --> 50%
300$ --> 60%
350$ --> 70%  
400$ --> 80%
450$ --> 90%  
500$ --> 100%  

All this will be under testing for few months to see if people likes it or not, to see if works fine or not, etc. 

Every start of month (whenever Patreon will pay me) I will submit a post saying how much goes to the Campaigns and towards which campaign! The earnings gotten this way will go to the Pokédex Campaigns :3

For now I tell that to be fair, I will start counting from JANUARY 2020. And that month, I can say we reached to make 8€ that will go to directly to the Evolvable Eevee Shimeji. I can't say for February yet, will post it soon when Patreon will process payments :3

I hope you like the idea!!! :D 



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