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Here you can see the Shimeji updates that there has been!


· Minun & Plusle [by 0b1nary]: Preparacions are being done for this one! It will be 3 versions: Minun alone, Plusle alone and a last version with both and at least one interaction :D

· Rory the Gigimon [by Cachomon]:
My current commission ordered by the current Tier 10€ @Puddang! :D This month’s actions are Swing, Wall and Ceiling! You can test it HERE!!!

· Vulpmon [by Cachomon]:
My current NEW commission ordered by the current Tier 15€ @Electronic-Star! :D For now we have the Stand and the Walk! Very promising one :D will have a similar structure as Kaamon, Digitama with quick evolving to Rookie and few cute extras actions. You can test it HERE!!!

· Dearbuss the Hedgehog [by JM-Luxro]:
This FC based on the Sonic the Hedgehog species and commissioned by Amnie has the basic form done! Has the usual default plus some customs. The new action you can see above is it transforming into another hairstyle version. Once will be finished, it will be downloadable by everyone :3 You can test it HERE!!!

· Sonic the Hedgehog [by JM-Luxro]:
You can finally test the Sonic the Hedgehog Shimeji!!! This one is absolutely one of the best Shimeji we have in our roster! Has very cool and innovative code that gives very interesting actions behaviour! You can test it HERE!!!

This Shimeji is a Campaign! So after the Goal will be reached, it will be downloadable by everyone! If you want to help the Campaign, you can either donate directly or commissioning related to Sonic Shimeji that is compatible with its base!

This FC based on the Sonic the Hedgehog species and commissioned by Amnie has the basic form done! Has the usual default plus some customs. Currently adding a transformation into another form in the same Shimeji :D Once will be finished, it will be downloadable by everyone :3 You can test it HERE!!!

· Vaporeon [by Cachomon]:
I couldn’t make the preparations yet, but hopefully later this month I can at least share a Stand or even a Walk! First I have to write the final actionlist, so if you have ideas they are welcome!


For more information about the Pokédex Shimeji Project you can check the Campaigns and how to Contribute to them. If you have or know someone owning an Victini, Growlithe, Umbreon, Cyndaquil, etc FanCharacter, remember that to commission it will give an immediate slot and a big % of the cost will go to the specific Pokémon Campaign! Another Species that is already made will also give a quick slot :3 like Eevee, Buizel, Shinx, etc.



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