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In the end, I just couldn't stay away from the xianxia setting. I'm pretty excited about Dao of the Deal. I will be posting a chapter a day for the next week or so. After that it should be about three or four chapters per week.

I'm sorry about going radio silent for so long. After the last story didn't catch on I spent a while spinning my wheels and writing out intro arcs before abandoning ideas. I am pretty happy with the story that I landed on, but I regret that the process has taken so long.

I generally feel like you guys would rather I spend more time writing instead of explaining to you why writing is taking so long. I can't offer any excuses, but I will do my best to stay on a more reliable schedule going forward.

I do appreciate your support. I'm very grateful to you guys for sticking with me through this dry spell.

If you're receiving this message because you forgot that you had subscribed to my patreon and you want a refund, just send me a DM and I'd be happy to do that for you.

Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy the new story!


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