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Hi guys,

I like mech stories. I'm glad that you guys enjoy like stories. Unfortunately, it seems that the broader Royal Road audience does not care for mech stories at all. Interstellar Domination is set to slide off of rising stars with less than 1000 followers to its name.

As such, going forward I will be updating the story only when I feel like it as a hobby rather than treating it as a job. I will finish out the current team-establishment mini arc, but after that updates will be sporadic.

If you would like a refund for this month, just send me a message on patreon and I'll refund you, no questions asked.

If you do choose to stick around, I will be posting a sneak peek of my next project soon, as well as some art for ID that sadly will never be used.



Andrew Haynes

Forcing content usually ends poorly. I look forward to reading more of your work.


Thank you for your support! Just to be clear, I've never felt like I'm forcing out content. I do like the story, and I had the first couple hundred chapters roughly planned out. It's just a question of to what extent I schedule my time and write in a disciplined fashion.

Andrew Haynes

Well there are other avenues to promote your writing if you want to gain patreon followers. Other than RR, you can also post to fanfiction.net as a game X-over or something. I know there's more too.


Personally I find your stories a bit hit and miss, I really enjoyed all of your Tanya stuff and Yashima Chronicles (probably because of the similar concepts) but I could not really get into Heart of Cultivation or Interstellar domination in the same way. I read the first book of heart of cultivation up to the point that he replaced his heart but it was a bit of a struggle. For Interstellar Domination I did not get much further than the alignment/testing chapter. Something about it just turned me off.

Whale A

I really liked this one. It was pretty good and I found myself checking back for updates of it daily. Yashima was my favorite by far followed by YWPC but this is a close third. For some reason I couldn't invest myself in Heart of Cultivation (even though I like cultivation stories). Personally I don't know what to expect from Royal Road since It's pretty difficult for people on mobile to find the stories that they might like on there. Also I know for a fact that if you sold this story as another cookie cutter LitRpg then you'd be having way more initial followers but then run afoul of that whole promising the reader the wrong thing pitfall that most writers who write litrpg fall into anyway. I look forward to your next project. Or more selfishly the next chapter of Yashima because it was hilarious.


Kinda just wishing you would actually write a story to completion for once. Or at least finish the first book and throw it up on Amazon. I have a feeling that this story would be a lot better received on spacebattles or a more scifi focused website?

Benjamin Hower

I trust you to have done the numbers, and I can't bring myself to regret jumping up to the $5 tier in anticipation of future Mecha goodness. Thanks for writing!


At roughly 50,000 words this one is getting close to the size of a short novel. The problem is that getting a full book's worth of story would take another 30k words or so. Usually I find acceptance on royal road is a reasonable proxy for interest on amazon and spacebattles, at least among people who find my stuff.


I do want to at least finish out the next arc of yashima. I love that story too, but writing it is a lot more challenging.

av latta meguca

I was enjoying ID, and I'm a little sad that I won't have much to catch up on, but tbh I'm not too cut up about it. When you began, you mentioned that you were trying something that would fit the masses this time. Always figured this day might come. I hope you eventually find something that works, even if that means many more experiments. Ultimately it's your livelihood, so I hope you do what's best for you. The day that you eventually strike gold, nobody is going to care that you had thirty earlier abandoned projects.

Yong Cho

Well that certainly is disappointing, I personally thought that ID was doing well. I personally would like to see you try picking up "Yashima Chronicles," again. I really liked it and was the reason why I began supporting you on patron.


Hey will you be releasing any new work? Been about two months so asking since we all have been charged for it.