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I put the first book up for auditions to find a narrator. The good news is, over thirty people applied! The bad news is, that meant I had to sort through over thirty applicants.

I've narrowed it down to a top three. I'm going to post the first minute or so of each of their auditions. I figured you might be interested to get a peek into the process. I'd also love to hear what you think!

This is Maxx Pinkins's audition, the third of three that I'll post.



Adrian Gorgey

So, I hesitate between Maxx Pinkins and Skylar Morgan. It's not necessarily that I dislike Larry Gorman, but that something about his voice almost sounds like an AI that's freakishly good at imitating the human voice, but retains and imperceptible machine-like quality to it. My biggest impression, that I shared about all three of the contenders, was that it sounded like I was listening to a commercial for beef jerky. Or a very musky deodorant. Possibly an electric razor. Their voices were so deep, which isn't a bad thing, but coupled with their slightly overemphasized delivery gave me the sensation of listening to those commercials of men's products. Now, if that's what you're going for there's no problem, but maybe you can direct them to be a little more... Hm, it's hard to put into words. Casual? Or maybe, dry? In my view, there something a little more dry and self-aware, maybe even a little self-depracating, in Solomon's character that doesn't quite jive with this 'i'm an unironically mannly man' delivery. Just my thoughts.


Agreed with Adrian!


Thanks for the review! I can see where you're coming from. If there's any one human voice I think of when I'm writing, it's Bruce Campbell. Not just because his iconic character lost a hand, but because he really embodied the put-upon normie action hero. He also had a solid comedic skill set. My thinking with the narrators was that the twin pillars of action and humor are what support the story, and the humor plays off the action. I figured that really locking in good action would serve double duty in putting the humorous bits over, the same way a pitcher's breaking stuff looks a lot better if he adds 10mph to his fastball.

David Otis

Not as good as zak