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The first book in what I hope to be an extended series is now up on Amazon. I've attached the MOBI file to this post for you guys to check out.

I was really happy with the cover art for this one:

Now that Solomon's Crucible is on Amazon, I can open auditions for the audio book. I'll try and get some samples from that process that I can share so you can weigh in on which narrator you like the best.


Adrian Gorgey

Awesome! Who did the cover art?


Awesome artwork!!!


Sebastian Szmyd. He also did the cover for the Royal Road serial. He's a terrific artist. He's also very quick and professional with his work. I highly recommend him if you want to commission something that looks at all like the stuff in his portfolio: https://sebastiansz.artstation.com/

Rip Woodham

Congratulations. :)

David Otis

Amazing. Love it

David Otis

How do I buy a paper copy!! I want it on my bookshelf! Anyone know?


Some day! I'd love to do a physical copy, but the costs are pretty rough. Pricing for small print runs is usually around $20/copy. I'd be out a pretty penny of up front costs and would be getting a small fraction of that cover price in royalties. I am investing the money from patreon in getting the audio book made. The actual recording should be done by the first week of August. The ACX approval process then takes 5-30 days. I will let you guys know first as soon as it's up!

David Otis

I'll definatly buy it. Looking forward to the audiobook!


Anyway you can do an ePub of solomons? The mobi doesn’t download on my iPad


Send me a private message and I'll send it to you. I may need your email.