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Man, Jian's really starting to kick up risks. His internal monologue and self-justifications are all eminently logical, but he stinks of desperation, and of escalation. Here's hoping that the Queen of Escalation will bless this ardent pupil.


As well as Jian has measured his expectations up to this point, it seems like even he's not immune to the lure of hope. I hope he gets what he needs. Also I've got to wonder, what the *hell* is Jian's prospective transplant doctor going to think of inserting an unliving heart inside the (admittedly purified but still) heart sac of a demonic beast? Either he's underestimating the "what the *fuck*" factor of this by a lot, or I'm underestimating just how unscrupulous Linshi doctors can be.


They'll schedule the procedure in between removing kidneys from people who got too drunk and passed out at the local bar.