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Which of these images should be the cover image for Heart of Cultivation on Royal Road?

(note: I do have larger versions of these pictures, but royal road only gives you 200x300 to work with)



Misty cliffs are the best, but the Chinese characters kind of spoil it. It makes your story seem like it's translated, which is not a good .thing


Personal opinion, sorry to be so negative, but I don't think they're great. They are all "ok", but I have some preferences. * Cave - Dark and hard to see * Cliffside - boring and bland, lacks contrast with white background when seen as small image * Glowing temple: Ok but a bit generic art * Tiger: In my opinion the most interesting art I'm assuming all of them will have a connection to the story somehow? Right now I can not connect any of them to the story. Also I think the font is bad, It's not clean enough to read easily (at a glance) with the smaller font on 2 and 3. It's also aliasing on all of them, this makes it look less professional.


cave but all are very nice

av latta meguca

I feel like if it was translated it would look more like this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/703046998462431313/706070280145207306/unknown.png


Misty Cliffs is the most evocative of the classics. The typesetting doesn't look good in the corner though. Centered with no author feels better, and I agree with other comment on removing the Chinese characters.


As-is I think the cave cover is best, but frankly IMO fancy typography on a book cover is generally a mistake. If it were up to me, I'd do misty cliffs, but move the characters to the left, make them look engraved on the rock, and use a standard "book title" font for the title (like Gothamo or something)