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..... okay so I was wondering for a while how you might craft a path for Jian to read higher Cultivation, if the standard way was out. How such a method might be risky in a narratively satisfying sense, how it might link to his crafting skill, and why it wouldn't already be in popular use. This? This does all that. Because holy *fuck*, yeah, it does not surprise me that carving out and replacing one's heart with a machine is not already a well-known technique in common use. Especially when regularly stopping one's heart is the necessary training. Jian does not have a cowardly bone in his body, that's for sure (except maybe with his fiance's letters).


Ah. And now the title makes sense in more than one way. Meta: As a story that is attempting to capture the "heart" of what makes cultivation stories good. In-story: The secret to Jian's rise will be the "heart" of his cultivation. It will be interesting to see how this develops. Just offhand I'll bet replacing his heart will provide some unexpected upsides as he cultivates higher, but at the same time there will be difficulties at every stage along the way because he's traveling a completely unique path. And of course, he might just be exchanging one ceiling for another. All in all, a great twist, and I look forward to seeing where this takes us.