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Greetings everyone, its me, your good friend and humble host, Dinmoney, here with some important information on changes to our patreon(s). So let's get into it!

We learned a lot from making Faulty Apprentice and Girls Overboard, both about game design and what you players want from our games. So, for the future, our plan is to focus on what we do best: visual novels with beautiful artwork, endearing characters, and compelling stories. My teammate, Bam is also working hard perfecting his programming skills to make our upcoming visual novels feature all the features you expect.

What does this have to do with Patreon? I'm glad you asked..

Original Goal of separating the Faultyverse and Girls overboard into two separate pages was to give you the choice on which game you wanted to support and at the same time, we wanted to develop them both.. At the same time. But working on Girls Overboard and Best Elf, at the same time, is just too much for a small team like ours. Each game wasn't getting the attention they deserved.

As we began ramping up the development of Best Elf, it became difficult for me to balance reward material with game development. "I still need to draw X amount for patreon this month!" Even to the point, the drawings weren't being used in game. And while I love drawing, I was sacrificing the time I needed to be spending on game development. And that's not fair to my teammates or the game.

Value of Patreon:

Being a small developer, I like having an outlet where I can share the development process and get feedback from you guys before showing the public. So I want to keep using Patreon, but with more games in mind than our upcoming Best Elf, I have decided to go back to using just one patreon.

New Patreon Model:

Our new patreon model will feature rewards from whatever game we are currently working on, be it from the Faultyverse, Girls Overboard or new titles?? Check them out after this video and let me know what you think!

What do you do if you're currently supporting the Girls Overboard Patreon?

If you want to continue supporting us with the new rewards, you don't need to do anything except maybe put your hand up to the screen and give me a high five, because thank you for supporting us!

What do you do if you're currently supporting on the Faultyverse page?

I would humbly ask that you cancel your pledge there and pledge over on the new (old?) "main" page. If you are seeing this message late, don't worry, we've suspended accepting payments on that page, you won't be double charged or anything. I would also ask you to accept my sincere apology for the trouble of moving over. I know its a pain and I'm sorry. But you are awesome for making the jump over to that patreon to begin with, so thank you and high five to that!

So thats it. I hope you can understand the reasons for these changes and will continue supporting us. I know I don't do videos like this often, but I wanted to give you this information in person.

If you have any questions, hit me up on discord or leave a comment below.

On behalf of the team, our number one goal is to create games you enjoy playing, so please look forward to them! =D

Until next time, good night, and thank you thank you for playing (=


Patreon Changes



Cool. I like the one patreon thing. As I want to support AGL Studios, no matter what game you're making! :D I like this change. I was one of those who pledge on both, so, I suppose, I'll go cancel my other one now and hope I get a cool Discord role again. :D Wish I could download your video and curse it, but... ;p Hehe.


Thanks, Jera. I'm glad you can't download the video. The last thing I need is a curse right now XD