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Previous Weekend Challenge: Wake Up Quintus (Success)

Before Sir Quintus' eyes even began to open, his sword was ripping out of its sheath!

(Defense Successful 21/20 Likes)

The weight of the old Knight's sword is unlike any you have ever felt, but somehow you managed to block it.

Sir Quintus: "Ah, sorry about that, laddie. Years on guard can make one a bit jumpy, you see. No harm done though, eh? Thanks to that fine sword-work of yours. Have you tried separating the distance of your grip, like this? It might help to--"

Before the Old Knight can finish offering his critique of your swordsmanship, the sound of breaking glass calls both of your attention. Turning to see the source of the shattering disturbance you see the Princess has thrown a flower vase at the wall behind you and Sir Quintus.

Princess Priscilla: "All you boys want to do is play with your swords, but no one is paying attention to MEEEEE!! Did you even notice my new dress? Or my new hairstyle? Or my new earrings? I'm even wearing my sister's makeup!!"

While your senses were sharp enough to quickly defend against Sir Quintus' wake up attack, they were not sharp enough to notice minor changes in Princess Priscilla's outfit. Before you were fired from your tailoring apprenticeship for sewing a three-legged pair of pants, you remember complimenting an angry customer's appearance can sometimes put them in a better mood. 

Comment with a compliment for Princess Priscilla to distract her from breaking anything else! Hit the Like button to nudge Sir Quintus into following your lead.


  • C Rank = 5 Compliments + 5 nudges
  • B Rank = 10 Compliments + 10 nudges
  • A Rank = 15 Compliments + 15 nudges
  • S Rank = 20 Compliments + 20 nudges

Thank you for supporting Faulty Apprentice on Patreon!
Chapter Two Day 1 Sword Training is now available and Archery Training is coming soon!




That's one heck of a throw princess you have a surprising amount of strength as expected of our amazing heir.

Tmothy B. Ross

Forgive us Your Highness! We did not want to appear lax in our duties due to your incredible beauty and skill.


Is that a new perfume your wearing, it smells devine.


I had thought that the flush in your cheeks was just the normal glow of youth and beauty in your skin!


I apologize your highness, I thought myself unworthy to gaze upon the national treasure that is your beautiful visage.

Michael Hawk

those are marvelous earrings, princess. they complement the vivid color of your eyes. might i ask what they are made of?

Jairo Palomares

Wait she has a new dress, new hair style, make up, and jewelry? How the heck did you guys notice this!?! She looks the same to me ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )


"Oh, you're not the Commander? Honest mistake I guess, you're wearing her makeup and look just like--" The rest of your sentence is reduced to a gurgling noise, your chest cut through with the sword the Princess picked up and threw in a rage.