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Warning: The Winterfest Event is a running story. if you have not read the previous episodes, you're missing out on a lot of fun! Please read these before continuing.

Winterfest story continued...

After the Commander's victory, by all appearances, Stars Reach Castle has been frozen solid. All of the Winterfest goers stand perfectly locked in whatever pose they were in at the time except for a few thumbs popping out of the ice. Looking around at your friends it's hard to tell if everyone is smiling or shivering, or perhaps smiling and shivering because that's what it felt like you were doing. Giving another heave-ho to break free you are distracted by a small optical illusion.

It was like you blinked, but you didn't blink. As though the sun blinked, or a flash of shadow. Looking around you see nothing but the same friends, with the same embarrassed faces, stuck in the same embarrassing positions. Then you see it. The shadow. The black cloth slowly creeping at the edge of vision. Slithering between the living ice statues, drawing ever closer. As the darkness cloaks you from behind the scent of lavender fills your nose. Like being hugged by a giant snow bear, the ice around you turns warm to the touch. Before you can break free and turn to greet your mysterious savior, you are left with nothing but the sound of a woman's laughter in the wind.

As mysteriously as the shadow girl arrived, she was gone. With the shouts of frozen friends not allowing you a moment to mourn the femme fatale's departure. Realizing you are the only freed Apprentice, you quickly rescue your teammate (if you have one) and another Apprentice!

Rules How to Play!

  • Hit the Like button to wiggle your thumb to show you're alive
  • Comment below to ask for help from a fellow Apprentice, include a funny story how you are frozen to stand out.
  • Once defrosted, help out another Frozen Apprentice by replying to their Comment asking for help.
  • You may only defrost one Apprentice.
  • The Apprentice named, Calamity, was defrosted by the mysterious shadow girl.

Ranking based on number of Apprentices defrosted

  • C Rank = 5 Apprentices
  • B Rank = 10 Apprentices
  • A Rank = 15 Apprentices
  • S Rank = 20 Apprentices 

Thank you for supporting Faulty Apprentice on Patreon and have enjoyed this final Challenge of the Winterfest Event.

Written by Geoff Trebs @dinmoney




After being unfrozen from my embarrassing fetal position (luckily no one saw that) I quickly unfreeze my partner in crime bunbun and go help an apprentice in need, who shall I help now hmm?

Michael Hawk

in my frozen state after the shadow disappeared i recognize calamity being able to move. to get his attention i figure i could use vi venti to push him over. after aiming and focusing my magic i invoke the spell an. bam! instead of sending him flying im the one tumbling. hopefully Calamity noticed my failed efforts


While deciding who to help I hear a thud and turn my head to see something in the ground and upon closer inspection I see that its hawk! I get to work setting him free with my trusty rock and....success now go hawk other apprentices need your help I broke my rock :'( its up to you.

Michael Hawk

thanks calamity. you should get a drink with hilde. on the rocks ;D as i wait for other apprentices to show vital signs i turn to the thunderguard to get her freed from her cold prison. i chant the first fire spell i can think of to melt the ice. ignis altum incantate!


After orc guard flinged me at the Commander I was instantly frozen in the air. Landing with a loud THUMP I get a face full of snow. Laying down face first really really hurts. "Someone? Anyone?" This is is what I try to say but it sounds more like "SMMMMM!"


Has im frozen ass up, head in the ground I raise my hand from the 2 or 3 inch im able to lift myself and shaking my booty to try to get the attention of michael hawk.

Michael Hawk

thunderguards high sensibility to messages from higher places lets her hear some kind of buzzing. searching for the source i discover Augiedt in the snow. using my remaining magic to help my fellow apprentice i melt augiedts icy coffin. i have to restore my mana so i let you handle the next apprentice


A step behind Brea’s gorgeous and mighty frame, I confess I’m frozen and caught red handed, with arm frozen as I reach to cheekily pat her bottom. I wiggle my fingers vigoursly toward my fellow apprentices, hoping they can bring me too before I’m caught by the instructors or worse the commander.


I start to walk away from orc guard to help others but as I do I feel a cold hand on my leg. "Apprentice you are not getting away from me without answering for when you spat on me!" Suddenly she does not look so frozen anymore she is radiating with heat from rage! Running for my life I trip over what looks like a wiggling butt and fall to the ground. Orc guard rears up with a punch and smashes the ice encasing Kingsam. As for me I pass out from all the fear. (See reply to Micheal for first half.)


With all the confusion the orc guard made i get up and see augiedt leying almost dead on the ground, i pat his face just to see if he is still alive. *SLLLLAAAAPPP* he finaly regain conciousness has i go the marine guard and brake the ice trapping her with my sword


Seeing how i used marine guard ro try to spook the commander she furiously pick me up with all her tentacle and throw me like a mear rock upon geralt frozen body.


I was still wrestling with the Fox Guard when we got frozen. I'm stuck under her and a pile of snow and I try to call for help.


Finally getting up from what felt like an eternity I spit out a mouthful of snow. To my horror I see that it lands directly on Orc Guards face. (I swear I saw her eye twitch for a second.) Running into the tavern I grab a bucket of warm water. When I return I notice that the orc guard had been breathing so heavily that the top half of her body has melted! Without much thought I melt the rest of the ice. (See reply to kingsam for more!)


Freed from my a compromising position, the frozen form of the sultry fox guard catches my eye, when I notice that she’s sat on top of my good friend Phil! I think for a moment, am I sure if he wants out? I wouldn’t mind the fox guard lying on me that’s for sure! But then I see those same frantic eyes and hands and I sneak him out from under her and warm him up, taking care to leave the fox guard frozen in case we need her that way! 😋


Having been caught mid way through climbing a tree for a better vantage point, I do my best impersonation of a wind chime and try to grab Phils attention.


Seeing that Fuchsjunge is in a precarious position, I quickly help him to make sure that he is safe. Then I run to the Fox guard to unfreeze her and I offer my help to take off the ice and snow that stayed stuck in her fur.


I was frozen as I looked up in horror, my thumbs both up in the concluding gesture of my spell. The problem was that Eleanna was coming down from her flying Ice comet attack, and is landing with one foot on my shoulder. Making it seem as if I am looking up her skirt with a slack jawed moronic expression. I wiggle my thumbs and make an "OOO OOOO!" sound in desperation. Trying to be freed before Eleanna is able to figure out just what I have been able to stare at.


I'm frozen........ in the act of attempting to put on my clothes, while, the Alchemist is frozen writing notes. Still half-naked and freezing, I try wiggling fingers towards the other unfrozen apprentices. I dread the thought of Janessa thawing before me. Help.......... Please.


Catching Eleanna's attention before she can notice that she is currently standing on a conscious person in a somewhat compromising position, I convince her to helme find where Midnight has run off to, before sneaking Jonathan to the nearest warm fire.


With Eleannas help, I've found Midnight -as frozen as everyone else was. The main difference between her and them was that she had her tongue stuck to the cheek of the ice statue Angeline had left behind during the fight. I grab some cold water to unstick her tongue before moving on towards more conventional methods to thaw the rest of her.

Eldritch Wizard

As the commander's sword strikes the ground I leap up to somersault over the rapidly expanding ring of frost and land gracefully next to a shocked commander. I quickly take her sword from her, breaking the spell and saving all to the applause and giggles of all the guards... At least that is what happened in my mind. In reality, when I attempted to leap I somehow tripped on a rock or something and then slipped on the frost when I tried to regain my balance. On instinct, my arm shot out to catch me and I twisted my face up to avoid smashing my nose on the cold ground. As my hand touched a surface as hard as steel but warm as a body I was encased in ice all the up to my other outstretched arm leaving only my upper hand free. I almost immediately realize just what it was I hand landed on. I tried to remember...Did Sir Quintus have his armour on during the snowball fight? "Please be his armour. Please be his armour. Pleeeaase," is all I can thin as I frantically wave my hand for some kind of assistance .


Having thawed out by the fire I run back to where I was only to find Eleanna gone, knowing that I am in deep I look for a place to hide. Though I find John Johnson and the Alchemist, even in my anxiety I can't leave John in a bad place like that so I grab a potion from the alchemists bag and pour it on him, with luck it is a Defrost potion and works with only the minor side effect of turning John invisible.


The Unicorn Guard's protective charms worked...sort of. Instead of frozen statues the pair of us ended up in sort of a bubble of ice, which filled with the residual sparkles of the cheerful guard's magic the visual is myself and the Unicorn being stuck in sort of a big glittery snow globe. Teeth chattering the both of us wave our arms and shout to try to get the attention of anyone that's gotten loose. "Hey, could you help us out?!"


Sighing at being invisible again, I briefly consider asking Janessa for help, then I remember that she caused this. Instead, I gather wood and start a fire next to her so that she will thaw. Eventually. While gathering fire wood, I notice a really pretty sparkly bubble with the Unicorn guards and Luke. I say "Hello" trying not to scare them in my invisible state and proceed to break the ice around the bubble.