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Angeline: "You have fought valiantly, Apprentices, but you are all still no match for the legendary blade, Sigurd."

The Royal Commander begins powering up like you have never seen before. Flowers of ice begin to blossom as storm clouds cover the Lower Courtyard in darkness. Snowflakes in the heavy wind buffet your skin as air whistles around the glowing azure sword.

Angeline: "I challenge not only the Apprentices, but the Castle Guard, Instructors, EVERYONE! Bring your fight to me!"

Lifting her sword in the air, the Commander rains down a hail of snowballs forcing everyone attending the Winterfest to take cover and regroup before launching a counter attack. The only way to beat the Royal Commander is to join forces with your old enemies!

Partner up with the person you targeted at the start of the
Snowball Fight! Hit the Like button to make a new snowball and Comment how you both team up to get a snowball past Angeline's defenses!

Scoring: *Final score will affect in-game Winterfest Event

  • C Rank - 5 Likes and 5 Comments
  • B Rank - 10 Likes and 10 Comments
  • A Rank - 15 Likes and 15 Comments
  • S Rank - 20 Likes and 20 Comments

Good luck and thank you for spending your Holiday Season with us here at AGL studios! 

Have a wonderful Christmas and if its gets faulty, make it fun! =D

DIn + AGL team

*This Weekend challenge was written by Geoff Trebs @dinmoney. If you wish to submit a weekend challenge idea of your own, or help out with development in other ways, send use a direct message, or contact us on discord.



Michael Hawk

ill ask the thunderguard to use her magical wings to counter the current of cold air coming from the azure blade of the commander. with that i hope to deflect snowballs from angeline and hope to be able to get close enough to land a direct hit on the steward of stars reach


Thanks to me and the orc guard having a fair fight it is not hard for me to convince her to join me in the fight. With a quick fist bump we set our plan into motion. Thanks to orc guards immense strength we learn that she can lift me up by making a cradle with her hands. Being relatively light I can easily be hurled straight at the commander. Channeling my inner Shonen hero I use the force of the gravity around me as I am flying to make my snowball pack an extra hard punch! "THIS IS FOR ALL OF MY WAIFUS!"


Sunny poses as a cute, if somewhat reluctant distraction to break Angeline's concentration, giving me an opening to hurl a defiant snowball as I scream "teamwork makes the dream work!"


*Both Eleanna and I are distracted now from her attempts to send me to a snowy grave by the sudden onslaught of the Commander.* O Peerless Archer, keen of eye and fair of seeming. Let us put aside out strife and Vanquish this new foe, that I might take you out for a drink later as apology for my earlier act! *I say in my most diplomatic tone, receiving a somewhat pouty frown from Eleanna in reply. Still she likes loosing less than I do, so as she leaps skyward and hurls another Ice comet at the Commander, I slide across the ice to get closer to Angeline, and use a gust spell to Hyper accelerate a snowball at her from a low angle.*


"Let's add some sparkles!" I call to the Unicorn Guard. I ask her to lay some charms on me to help me get in close to the Commander. Taking careful aim I lob the snowy orb with with everything I've got to make it past her defenses.


“Batten down yer hatches, Commander, or ye shall face a force colder than Davy Jones’ heart” The Shark Guard and I exchange a look before each expressing a manic grin. While she constantly taunts the Commander with insults that would make even the most hardy sailors blush, I go full “Buddy the Elf” and start chucking snowballs at full speed straight at the Commander, whooping and hollering the whole way.


Me and bunbun look at each other, high-five and burrow our way through the snow like some snow bunnies behind the commander for a double carrotacular snowball sneak attack. >:)


I awake in the ruins of my snow fort to something being funneled down my throat. " How wonderful! Finding a perfectly willing test subject in the midst of all this chaos" Janessa says gleefully. I immediately panic searching my body or any weird mutations. Before my eyes, I start to disappear. " I'm dying!!!!!" I start to wail. "I'm Dy... "Oh Hush!" The Alchemist says, " You're simply turning invisible." Evil Side " There was only a 90% chance that you would actually die". The Alchemist switches back before saying " Now for the real experiment, Get undressed, clothes are not invisible mind you, sneak over the Commander and hit her right in the face!" I try to protest, but before I can react, I'm attacked by the Alchemist, and suddenly find myself naked, Invisible, and creeping towards the commander with a snowball. I'm just in range to throw, when, suddenly, I turn visible. "Oh bother!" is the last thing I hear.


"Marine guard are you scared of higts?" She glance back me seeing my hand closed so i could throw her up so she could throw it from high ground... even if our tactic didnt succed it still was worth the try.


Utilizing the Snow fort that was in the middle of the battlefield as cover. I hunker down to survey the area and strategize a plan. Soon after the doll guard takes cover beside me. I look to her and tell her we need to work together to be able to beat the Commander. She nods and scribbles something on her notepad. “What do we do???” the pad reads. I hold out my hand for the pad and I scribble a rough plan that puts us in a position of cover less than 20ft away from the commander. She nods but as we start to move out our position receives a hailstorm of snowballs that force us back into cover. “We can’t go together because we’ll be hit while we move.” I say to the Doll Guard. She looks down at her pad and starts writing but I place my hand on top of her cold plastic hand stopping her. “You need to get to that position”. I say while pointing towards the planned position. “I’ll distract her for you”. I say. Without giving her time to scribble a reply I leave the cover of the fort and start scooping up snow, yelling and lobbing it ineffectively towards the Commander. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the Doll guard moving her way towards the commander as I bound in and out of cover flailing snow in the commander’s general direction but making sure I don’t spend more than a second out of cover. After a few moments I can see the Doll guard about 10 feet from the covered position waiving her hands. I take a quick peek out of cover and notice that she is pinned and I need to do something to give her an opportunity to move. I take in a deep breath and let it out. “Nothing left to it but to do it” I mutter under my breath. I break cover and start sprinting towards the commander with snowball in hand yelling the whole way. About 3 steps towards the Commander, everything goes black.


After a brief moment warming up, Brea and I charge Into the snow. We gather snow and pack it tightly together, making a super dense snowball with the indestructible lizard from our training sessions packed within. 😯 “brea!” I whisper, “toss him up and we’ll swing our swords together and blast him at the commander”. Brea smiles eagerly, braces her sword and I copy, just like she taught me, she throws him up and we both swing, catching him perfectly the lizard 🦎 packed into his snowball soars towards the commander...


I ask the Gorgon Guard to turn another apprentice into a statue! Which I can hide behind to dodge the flurry of snowballs. Once it dies down I try to toss a snowball while the Commander is distracted!


I fly up high in the air with the Dark Gryphon, after I gave it a giant fishie for the feather that I plucked and is now in my hat. In is mighty claws is a snowball that I made into the size of a boulder. High above the battle field, the snowball fight rages on. As we circle around a few times we spotted our target, the Royal Commander. We make one more pass, and with the Royal Commander distracted with all the commotion of the snowball fight on the ground, with a glorious yelp “DEATH FROM ABOVE” we let loose our massive boulder of a snowball from the air.


Midnight and I do our best to use the darkness available to sneak up on Angeline, before we pelt her with as many snowballs and we can get a hold of.

Eldritch Wizard

Looking to the still sleeping form of the valiant Sir Quintus, I ponder our next move. In a fit of inspiration, coming from many years of watching cheesy cartoons, I hunker down behind the massive mastodon of manliness and begin to slowly push his resting body towards the commander. Hoping that she won't pay any attention to this slumbering hulk until it's too late.