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Wonder and mystery have surrounded the Mana Stone since its discovery. While everyone knows what the stone looks like, few have seen it for themselves. Ask ten people of the stone’s purpose and you will receive ten different answers. However, there is one common thread that runs throughout the tapestry of rumors surrounding the Mana Stone. Like repeating musical note, or theme. One word that has continued to stand beside the Mana Stone past all others. Power…

Where did the Mana Stone come from? Why is it being held at Stars Reach? And most of all... What is it’s purpose? 

Comment with your answer to one (or all) of these questions and you might hear one of the Castle Guards gossip about in-game. 

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Din + Team




Obviously the mana stone lets you control all squirrels. OP? I think so.


The mana stone used to power an alien space ship, in fact that is why the castle is called stars reach since the alien space ship reached the stars


Once I’ve met an old grumpy man in a taverne. He told me that he was the one who first decovered the Mana stone and his powers. After hours listening to his more or less interesting stories he told me the secret of the stone. It’s mystical power is the power of....NONE. Really! He told me it can’t do anything! Ok except of whispering and singing strange melodies. They tried everything: Burning enemies - None, lifting and hovering large things - None, seducing beautiful women (and even men) - None, changing stone into gold - None. They have even tried to use it as a paperweight, but because it’s hovering around all the time this was also impossible. Totally understandable that this old man was soooo grumpy... ;-) So this would be my gossip about the mighty powers of the stone :-D

Michael Hawk

i heared dwarfs dug it up from deep within the earth. no tool was powerful enough to shape it. after keeping it for a while they heared noises and saw shadows. the common dwarfenfolk meant its a cursed stone and the darkness wants it back. the dwarfen elders decided it would be best to get rid of it. they sent for a powerful wizard to bring it far a way from their kingdom.

Michael Hawk

i heared durandall saying stars reach was build on strong leylines and something about subelemental entropy-fields and that its strong walls are imprinted with ancient drow runes to keep the stones power semi-dormant. ... on the other hand he also said theres invisible ghost bugs in my drawer and that he will have to exorcise my undergarments to get rid of them.


The mana stone, the heart of the first elemental. Forged in the throes of the world when it was still young. Magic and rock in their most primal state fused to form the first elemental. When the young sentient races awoke it after eons of slumber they engaged in an epic battle to bring it down.


Stars reach houses this heart for it is the place where the leylines intersect and where the best guards in the land reside. A wizard is appointed to guard the heart at all times, along with his guards. For if anyone gets hold of the stone, they would be able to work magicks far beyond those of any mere mortal. And that kind of power in the wrong hands, could spell the end of everything...


The Mana Stone is just that, the mana stone. With the amount of mana that this stone produces one could cast spells so powerful they could bend the laws of magic for a short time and thus creating miracles. Summoning dragons and destroying castles are simply the tip of the ice burg with the mana stone. The mana stone has limitless potential and thus to prevent the immense amount of mana from leaking out and super charging the mages in the castle to a point where they cannot control their spells the seals are in place. Star's reach is the only fortification strong enough with the runes and the laylines both present to hold such a powerful artifact in check. As for where it comes from most likely it was created during the creation of the world, a fragment of creation so to speak and thus that is why it's power is so immense.


to make this ramble simple lets leave it at Mana Stone simply produces a shit ton of mana, it's only purpose is to fuel spells and make them super charged, it has always been and thus cannot be destroyed, Star's reach is the only place strong enough to hold the damn thing.


Is the Mana Stone the source of Power, or is it seeking power. I heard that the Mana Stone is actually the egg of a creature, that when hatched, will consume all of the magic in the world. I also heard that Stars Reach was built to block the stone from magic, therefore keeping the creature from hatching.

Eldritch Wizard

I heard that the mana stone was a way to control those who wield magic. That with it you gain complete dominance over a mage, no matter how mighty his spells are. That is why so many seek it. Even a boy barely weaned from his mother could make an arch-mage bow to him.


Back at before the founding of stars reach there were two great magical beasts, one represented order and one represented chaos, each chose 1 warrior to take out the other because if they ever meet, the resulting battle would destroy the world and the two of them for they are evenly matched. Both sides succeeded but the source of their power remained as a mana stone, each warrior built a fortress around the stone to prevent the other from taking it and reviving the beast and ever since the warriors would choose an apprentice to guard the stone in their place until the day one side succeeds