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The video after this will be On Writing: Dialogue Basics where we'll discuss dialogue tags, action tags, summarising, realistic dialogue, making characters sound different, and character voice. If you didn't already know, you can pre-order On Writing and Worldbuilding: Volume II HERE >>> https://linktr.ee/timhickson <<< releasing Nov 26th!

Here's the full list of stories we'll be referencing:

It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizinni

Hogfather by Terry Pratchett

Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson

The Mist by Stephen King

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson

The Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

A Game of Thrones by GRR Martin

Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer

House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski

Avatar: The Last Airbender

The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald

Submergence by Arula Ratnakar

I was originally making one video, but it quickly became apparent that we had too much to discuss for a single video!


What happened to Sokka after Avatar? | The Last Airbender

If you listened at the end of the video, you'll know why you should use HFM21 at checkout for 20% off lifetime purchases http://bit.ly/HFM4-21 GET ON WRITING AND WORLDBUILDING VOL II I https://linktr.ee/timhickson Thank you patrons — without you, I wouldn't be able to do the work I do. https://www.patreon.com/hellofutureme (come join the Discord/writing workshops!) INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tim_hickson_hfm/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/TimHickson1 A WIZARD DID IT MUG https://store.nebula.app/collections/hello-future-me EMAIL hellofuturemeyt@gmail.com GOODREADS https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18990222.Timothy_Hickson SECOND CHANNEL https://tinyurl.com/ybhtz42g where I put extra notes for videos, vlogs, board game reviews, and other stuff from my life POSTAL ADDRESS (if you're kind enough to send me a letter or something!) Tim Hickson PO Box 69062 Lincoln, 7608 Canterbury, New Zealand Script by meeeeeeeee Video edited by Cuenin (99% of the time) over at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCypfUnArnktqIZYEBQBOu7Q/featured The artist that designed my display pic! https://serem01.deviantart.com/ The artist who design my cover photo: - https://raidesart.deviantart.com/ - https://raidesart.tumblr.com/ - https://www.instagram.com/raidesart/ Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com/creator Stay nerdy! Tim


Steffen Schmidt

I just so happened to read The Final Empire - now reading Well of Ascension -, and I thought, "Man, this is good dialogue! And, good everything, basically."