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Originally this video had a whole discussion about how mountains form and where they end up on maps, but [a] there are already a lot of materials out there that lay this out and [b] it was turning the video into a bit of a slog with all the exceptions and facts. 

So I sidelined that content for another video down the line and focused on how mountains interact with the rest of worldbuilding. How do they impact where cities go, where nations start and end, how wars and empires play out, where trade goes and who gets it, and how do mountains intact with culture, economy, and religion?

All fascinating stuff. 

Tell me about the mountains in your work down below!

Stay nerdy,



On Worldbuilding: Mountains in Fantasy Maps!

what even was that accent go try campfire cowards http://bit.ly/HFM3-21 Thank you so much to my patrons, truly. If you want to support this kind of educational content, please consider doing so at https://www.patreon.com/hellofutureme (+Discord community access!) INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tim_hickson_hfm/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/TimHickson1 BUY MY BOOK https://tinyurl.com/y5mwpyyj (It contains all my educational writing/worldbuilding content up to a point + extras, super easy to reference and use compared to videos.) Or the audiobook! Audible : https://tinyurl.com/audibleowaw Kobo: https://tinyurl.com/koboowaw Google play: https://tinyurl.com/googleowaw Audiobooks.com : https://tinyurl.com/audiobooksowaw As well as booktopia and many more! EMAIL hellofuturemeyt@gmail.com FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/HelloFutureMe/ SECOND CHANNEL https://tinyurl.com/ybhtz42g where I put extra notes for videos, vlogs, board game reviews, and other stuff from my life POSTAL ADDRESS (if you're kind enough to send me a letter or something!) Tim Hickson PO Box 69062 Lincoln, 7608 Canterbury, New Zealand Script by meeeeeeeee Video edited by Cuenin (99% of the time) over at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCypfUnArnktqIZYEBQBOu7Q/featured The artist that designed my display pic! https://serem01.deviantart.com/ The artist who design my cover photo: - https://raidesart.deviantart.com/ - https://raidesart.tumblr.com/ - https://www.instagram.com/raidesart/ Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com/creator Stay nerdy! Tim


Deven Kivioja

I like mountains as a narrative device paralelling the difficulty of the larger journey the characters are on. Also obviously representing a goal. Theyre also just pretty and I love to paint and write about them.

Peter R Iorfino

So for some reason this video is showing as private for me. Any one know why? It says unlocked under.