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I had originally planned to release a video this week reading my short story Two Robots at the End of the World as well as a 1 hour companion video where you could see me rewrite it and edit it into its final draft with commentary on why I wrote things certain ways and what I was trying to achieve (image attached). 


At the last moment, a few months ago, I decided on a whim to submit Two Robots at the End of the World to the science fiction magazine Clarkesworld, thinking it would surely get rejected. 


It was not immediately rejected, and my short story is now in the top 3% awaiting final acceptance or rejection. The problem is that they have the right of first publication, meaning I cannot release this video right now. It's both exciting for me but frustrating for you, so I wanted to explain why there was no video this week.

This said—

This does not mean the Two Robots video will not happen. It will simply be delayed and you will get an extra video later in the year once Clarkesworld lets me know! In the long run, nothing is lost.

But I also wanted to announce the next massive project which I have been working on for six months: a deep-dive into the cyberpunk genre, its themes, and its writing. Do not be fooled by the thumbnail! Though it discusses Cyberpunk 2077 the game, the video is not solely about the game. It is about the genre and what it has to say about God, death, technology, religion, class, and more. 

For context, I have read/played/watched the following over the last six months purely in preparation for this video:

Neuromancer by William Gibson

Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick

Purgatory Mount by Adam Roberts

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Exhalation by Ted Chiang

Neon Leviathan by TR Napper

Burning Chrome by William Gibson

Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott

Synners by Pat Cadigan

Ghost in the Shell (anime film)

Blade Runner (film)

Blade Runner 2049 (film)

Cloudpunk by ION Lands

Nosedive (Black Mirror episode)

The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock by TS Elliot

Sailing to Byzantium by William Yeats

Diaspora by Greg Egan

I hope this demonstrates just how big of a project this is for me. It will clock in at two hours and has taken many times what it takes to research and write a normal video. I even developed a costume for it which you can see in the photos attached above (a freaking cybernetic arm!) The video will be coming to you hopefully just under midway through next month. I can also tell you that the script for the video following it is already written (hint: it's a worldbuilding video as voted by you!).

Let me know any questions you have below!

Stay nerdy,





And here I am practically completely ignorant of cyberpunk in general - this is going to be my introduction to the genre!


Tim I am in awe of your ability to read things like you do. I HAVE to have an interest in the subject of what I am reading and so many authors lose me by implying what I like to call the “continued dumping” method on the protagonist in some strange thought that they have to keep dumping more and more crap on the protagonist in order to keep the story interesting. Often without resolving few if any of the conflicts that have come up for the protagonist themselves. I get so frustrated with stories, shows, movies, and even comic that do this that it makes findings the patient to give untested authors a chance nerve wracking. I don’t know how you can just pick up a book and read it from cover to cover and keep going without getting frustrated. You are really awesome, I really admire your skills! 👍🏼👍🏼