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What's it like writing a book? A broad topic, but you know, good to discuss, especially given I'm 50% of the way through my second draft to [[redacted title]]. 

If this series is fun, then the questions we'll be discussing will be chosen by patrons! What would you like to see us (or just me) discuss in future videos?

Forgive the rambly-ness and distracted-ness. It is markedly difficult to both play and talk.



What's it like writing a book? | Age of Empires ft. Tale Foundry (his first time playing!)

Please don't go too hard on Benji. It's his first time. He doesn't understand good farm placement. TALE FOUNDRY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCusb0SpT8elBJdbcEJS_l2A Check him out!


Yamikaze no Kiba

Yes! Me! Here! I just started writing my first book. I approve! This is cool💪😎👍

Jen Brown

"Do you see that hill?" My brain: "My house is between those two hills."