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In the first part, we discussed the micro of fight scene writing — and if you haven't seen it, it's the more important part in this series, go watch it! This video talks about the macro: broader concepts like structure, magic systems, realism, and more. Let's go!

Let me know about your fight scenes in your writing down below oooor over on the discord, which I hope you're a part of.



On Writing: How to Master Fight Scenes! [ Avatar | Lord of the Rings | Star Wars ] PART 2

Is writing/worldbuilding your thing? What a coincidence! It's mine too, and everyone on discord as well, so come join us and chat https://www.patreon.com/hellofutureme Cheers Shad! INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tim_hickson_hfm/ TWITTER https://twitter.com/TimHickson1 BUY MY BOOK https://tinyurl.com/y5mwpyyj (It contains all my educational writing/worldbuilding content up to a point + extras, super easy to reference and use compared to videos.) EMAIL hellofuturemeyt@gmail.com FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/HelloFutureMe/ MERCH https://www.teepublic.com/user/hellofutureme (proceeds go to our 2 community chosen charities: A21: http://www.a21.org/index.php?site=true and WWF: https://www.worldwildlife.org/ ) SECOND CHANNEL https://tinyurl.com/ybhtz42g where I put extra notes for videos, vlogs, board game reviews, and other stuff from my life POSTAL ADDRESS (if you're kind enough to send me a letter or something!) Tim Hickson PO Box 69062 Lincoln, 7608 Canterbury, New Zealand Script by meeeeeeeee Video edited by Cuenin (99% of the time) over at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCypfUnArnktqIZYEBQBOu7Q/featured The artist that designed my display pic! https://serem01.deviantart.com/ The artist who design my cover photo: - https://raidesart.deviantart.com/ - https://raidesart.tumblr.com/ - https://www.instagram.com/raidesart/ Music by Epidemic Sound: http://epidemicsound.com/creator Stay nerdy! Tim


Yamikaze no Kiba

Thank you very much for these Journeys down martial arts path :) This is a specifically intresting topic to me personally and I learned a great deal on how to tone down my fightscenes. I myself am a huge geek and practiced for 20 years now. A self defence form that basically consentrates on modern day effektively killing and handling of an opponent in close range combat. Personal frustration: I have searched far and wide for assassin characters that actually ... assassinate.... as the story progresses.... they don't seem to exist. The closest I found was sarah J. Maas (the iron-witches in her story and the shapeshifter, they don't hold back) But they too, quickly evolved into the "killing for the greater good" area. Which is all cool and fine. Just not what I'm looking for with a title like Assassins... which is on friggin everything. Also I actually read books mainly for the fighting and combat (and magic systems, * coughs) therefore I have absolutely no problem in making sense of meticulous stance descriptions and attack forms. 😁 Pls authors! Go nuts with them^^ Ps: that is also the reason why I started writing short scenes. I couldn't ever find a charakter that reacts like me. (A petty reason, I know^^) Thank you again! Already looking forward the the next one :D

Kimberly Grimes

When I finally finish and release my series, you will be in the acknowledgements. Love your insight!!