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I will be doing a charity livestream in early December with a number of other YouTubers you know and love, but I need milestones for donation goals (eg. reach $1000 and the kittens get to come on the stream). 

Milestones need to be (a) able to be done in front of the camera at the computer I am sitting at and (b) cannot take immensely long.

1. What are your suggestions for milestones generally?

2. What are some opinions/rants of mine you would like to hear about either philosophy or fiction or real-world stuff (please no politics)?

Let me know down below!

Stay nerdy!



C. M. Alongi

Every $X raised, a random donor gets drawn as a member of one of the ATLA Four Nations. (Drawings can be either really good, or, ah...given a more Sokka-esque style.) And then for types of videos, I usually only tune into the stuff on worldbuilding and writing. Someone mentioned the undead/immortality, which would be really cool. Alternatively, I don't think you've covered different types of government structures and how they can be used in SFF settings. Or killing off characters. (You did a video on killing the MAIN character a while back, but I don't think you've done one on murdering characters in general.)

Faith Murri

1) I'm obsessed with the kitten and cabbage related ones and honestly wouldn't mind if you put kittens in tiny cabbage costumes and put them in a cart 2) I'm actually a huge fan of the immortality topic but from a sci-fi angle because I hate pretty much every immortal society sci-fi story and I wanna know what's up with that. They just never get the themes right! And the implications on human psychology are always so unrealistic and stupid! It bothers me to no end