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I've had a huge response since Sony began claiming my content; it's a response on the scale I didn't expect. Literally nearly a hundred (maybe over a hundred, I'm not 100% sure) patrons have signed up to support the channel. All I really want to say is thank you so much for making my job more stable. Sony have claimed nearly 10% of my videos, and I'm fighting the ones I think I can win, but I don't have high hopes. 

Patreon is the cornerstone of my channel, and you are a part of it. Please do make sure you sign up for the Discord so you can pop in and say hello to me. It's an amazing community fill of writers, worldbuilders, and nerdy peeps - myself included. Because of you, I can keep making this kind of content without worrying so much when this stuff does strike (and it seems to happen every six months or so). So thank you, and stay nerdy,




Neth Dugan

http://www.transformativeworks.org/contact_us/ Seriously..... contact them.

Hello Future Me

You can message me directly to organise a hangout :) The easiest way to do that is via Discord.