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Over the course of this year, my life has changed dramatically. With the ever approaching date of my graduation (which was a few days ago), it was a race against time to make YouTube a viable career for 2019. 

With your support, whether one or a hundred dollars, it is now. 

I have graduated and am now swimming in the grand ocean of adulthood without the cushiony fallback of university to catch me should I fall. It is terrifying, but it is exhilarating and exciting, and I look forward to wading deeper into it with you. I try my best to make my Patreon and Discord a place where those who support me can more easily access me and I can more easily reciprocate their kindness. In this light, it has been wonderful building relationships with you, my patrons, getting to know the stories you are writing, your quirks, and your irks.  

Your support has meant I can feel some kind of stability in a job that I am well aware will have its ups and downs financially in the coming year. It has allowed me to buy a desktop setup I have needed for a long time that will allow me to more efficiently edit my videos. Your support has bought me my first DSLR camera, something I thought I'd never be able to afford. Your support has helped me buy Christmas presents for friends and family. But on a more personal, and hopefully a level you appreciate, your support means I can do the content that requires more time to produce, but that will not necessarily yield the same views. 

This includes the On Writing and Worldbuilding content, which I know many of you are here for. That is my ultimate passion and that series will dictate much of the future of my channel and the future of my Patreon. But it also includes one off videos like one discussing the philosophy of Bladerunner 2049 (which, if you don't know, has not come out yet and is planned for 2019), or the one discussing the Joker's three stories about his scars. 

I want to say a special thank you my 75+ patrons, whose support is a huge chunk of my monthly income. I would also like note a special thank you my Discord mods, who take a load off my shoulders in managing the community and have become good friends: Sarcastic, Espi, Elena, Squishy, and Rogue. You guys are awesome. Thank you all for supporting me, and I hope you feel you can do so going into the new year.

I will be taking the time off Discord and Patreon till the new year. Mostly to spend time with family and the girlfriend. I'm a little bit of a workaholic and need to be dragged away from everything associated with it to fully unplug.  

And now, onto 2019, onto new videos, and into the unknown. 

~ Tim and Supreme Leader Mishka


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