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 ANNOUNCEMENT >>> PATREON/DISCORD COMMUNITY THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING MOVIE NIGHT  It was brought up a while ago, and people have become pretty keen on the idea. Scheduling an event for people all around the world is difficult, but I've tried to do so in a way that as many people as possible can make it. The mods and I have decided it will be starting:  

8PM UK time Sunday 23 September 

3PM US time Sunday 23 September 

10AM NZ time Monday 24 September

 7AM AUS time Monday 24 September  

Extended or original? Either way, it'll be a fantastic chill time and I look forward to spending it with you all. You guys are an awesome community, and it'd be really cool if we could do stuff like this every so often.  

Come join the Patreon Discord for updates!

~ Tim