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Or at least, I feel it is. I put more into its editing and writing than almost any other video, and it's only favourite episode of the series: the Southern Raiders. Thank you to all of you on the Discord who helped pick the thumbnail. Let me know what you think of it!

~ Tim


Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Cycle of War [ video essay ]

Please consider supporting me with a couple of bucks as I go into this fulltime (also Supreme Leader Mishka!) Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hellofutureme STOP SLAVERY, GET A SUBFURY T-SHIRT: https://tinyurl.com/y7yvhoqd Support A21 and the World Wildlife Fund! Learn more about A21: http://www.a21.org/index.php?site=true Learn more about WWF: https://www.worldwildlife.org/ My SECOND CHANNEL can be found via a link on my main page or at 'TwotheFuture'. Come join us! Email fanart/fanmail: hellofuturemeyt@gmail.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimHickson1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HelloFutureMe/ IF YOU WANT TO SEND THINGS TO ME (address): Tim Hickson PO Box 69062 Lincoln, 7608 Canterbury, New Zealand The artist that designed my display pic! https://serem01.deviantart.com/ The artist who design my cover photo: - https://raidesart.deviantart.com/ - https://raidesart.tumblr.com/ - https://www.instagram.com/raidesart/ The artist who did my Avatar/lots of other art: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCP0-1M_XrkcsJlVVgeqAEw I am so excited to see what you guys have made :D Thanks for watching subfuries.



Owch, that moral hit home so hard it hurt. "Some traumas cut you so deep you can never get over them, and that's okay." A very hard lesson to learn in life but one necessary to grow enough to live despite your scars. Reminds me of an Illidan Stormrage quote from one of the WoW Legion cutscenes when a higher power offers to remove all his scars from a life of hard choices and pain - "I am my scars" he retorts in fury. Somethings never leave us and shape us through all our days. It's up to us to make peace with them or not as we can. I love how you explained this with the cycle of war. I can think of so many other examples it can be applied and extrapolated to. Wow man, yes. This is definitely one of your best videos (I don't believe in choosing one to be best, many are each good in own ways) and it's great to see how you are developing through each successive video. Bravo mate and looking forwards as always to your next one. ^_^

Hello Future Me

It was certainly one hell of a video to write. I have so many feelings caught up in this episode, so it's nice to know you do too.


Hey man, I know it wasn't written for it but I think this video should be considered to be added to The Movies with Mikey - Lessons Animation Taught Us playlist. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkUSZkE-zJ8&t=0s&index=4&list=PLdGl5mi0XeW1GxHltWoKUQ7nH7DqhgxW_" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkUSZkE-zJ8&t=0s&index=4&list=PLdGl5mi0XeW1GxHltWoKUQ7nH7DqhgxW_</a> I think you've outlined a very important lesson animation taught us in this video. And if not this video, then I think you should do one for that list. This video demonstrated that you have a lot to say about things learned through watching animation and I think you add something worthwhile to the conversation, so.... line it up man. I'd love to see you included in there.

Hello Future Me

That'd be really cool! I'd never heard of this list before. Is it something you have to apply to get into?