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I have a lot of topics that I wish I could talk about, but they don't really fit on my channel. I'm not the biggest Marvel fan. I mean, I enjoy the movies, but I've read very few comics or the like - so calling myself a Marvel fan, I feel, would be relatively shallow. 

BUT guess what I can do here? Discussion topics. How did you feel about Infinity War? And this will be a SPOILERS thread. 

My basic thoughts: 

Firstly, the fact they made it to Infinity War without stumbling for the last decade is impressive. This has been long in the making, and that's commendable. 

The opening scene was by far the strongest scene in the film, in my mind. It established immediately that we were dealing with a threat unlike any we had faced before when he beat the Hulk. It immediately established a new, darker tone when Loki was killed (permanently, I should think). And it lay out the direction for the movie: acquiring the infinity stones. That was one of the 'clench my girlfriend's hands' moments. 

Of the four storylines (Ironman's, Guardians, Thor, Captain America's - broadly), I felt Ironman's was the strongest. It had a good central relationship between Spidey and Ironman, a fun interplay (if a little contrived) between him and Doctor Strange, and great fight scenes. I was impressed with the balance they achieved between the characters overall.

The ending fight was fun, and it was great seeing all the characters come together. Now, as for the ending, well... it's hard to make an ending like that land unless you know they're not coming back. Which they will. We know they will. So the emotional weight was stunted, but not totally lost. 

The only points that really irritated me were (1) Starlord getting angry - this is because when a villain wins not because they outsmart the heroes, but because the hero was stupid, then it comes across as having a weak character and weak writing, and (2) the reveal of the Soul Stone. I get that they wanted to use to humanise Thanos, which worked to an extent, but it sort of just seemed... random. The grand mystery of the final stone and it's in a place we've never heard/seen/thought of/with a challenge we've never had to confront. Odd. Oh, and Thanos' motivations were strange, because wanting the universe to be 'balanced' is not the same as wanting to wipe out half of all life. What if one planet is underpopulated? Wiping out half a species can lead to its extinction. 

The other, 'clench my girlfriend's hand' moment was Thor's entrance to the battlefield. I'm so happy they didn't nerf him after Ragnarok. He was incredibly likable, fun to watch, and just as badass as he deserved. Which was amazing. 

But those are just my thoughts. What do you think?



Oh man. Someone I can finally talk about this with! I have so many feelings about it that I need to talk out but waiting till after the spoiler break. I gotta say I can't even think of most things in the movie around the impact of the ending. I really need to see it again because I'm sure only a smattering of things really sunk in at the time. Suffice to say I generally enjoyed the movie up until the end. THAT ENDING! Even though I knew most of the characters that don't make it will be returning, it just. It felt like all the light and hope in the universe was extinguished. It really upset me for the rest of that day and into all of the next day. It wasn't until day three that I really started to come down off the post movie funk it induced. And while this reaction may seem excessive, you gotta understand why I reckon we like and keep going to see superhero movies to really get why I was so bummed out. Typically your hero faces adversity, things get dark, then they find a way to overcome it and become greater than they were before. This arc isn't just a superhero movie thing but almost all superhero movies are made in this shape. Infinity War however, at least narratively speaking more closely resembles a disaster movie than a superhero flick. Despite the best efforts of EVERYONE, NOTHING could stop the disaster. It. Just. Kept. Happening. And I had to watch all these beautiful shining wonderful characters I'd come to care deeply about just, end. And I kept thinking to myself, this can't be where the movie ends. There's gotta be some light at the end of the tunnel. Some seed planted that gives us a possible out. And there kinda was, the Captain Marvel set up in the stinger scene. But the movie just, ends, with Thanos at peace having accomplished his goal. There's no empowerment, no build up. The power fantasy the audience typically indulges in when they watch this sort of movie was just, cut off. So instead of walking away thinking, fuck yeah! this was the most kickarse, team up movie of all the mightiest heros the MCU has to offer, I just left the theatre feeling... empty. So the movie itself wasn't bad. From what I remember of the before bits, it was cool, had some awesome moments with Thor's ax forging, had some excellent dialogue that met expectations and even surprised by how it all went down, the sub villains were cool if a little under explained as to who they were beyond empowered flunkie A-F. I actually really loved the characterisation of Thanos himself and how they explained him. I feel like he was one of the better written villains of the entire MCU, on the level of Loki in terms of depth. This was very much Thor, Gamora, Tony, Wanda, and Dr Strange's movie, everyone else was obviously underwritten due to runtime constraints, and while I think the pacing of the movie was served by this, many fans would love to see more of what happened/ or had happened before for some of the background characters. The pacing is what makes this movie work though so I'm kinda happy with the less is more approach the story gave us. There are a lot of threads that could be spun out of the aftermath of this movie that will serve the MCU will into phase 4.


That ending though. It has to be my all time lowest point watching a movie ever. The only movie that made me this upset was LaLaLand which just made me angry at how pretentious it was. I've never had a movie affect me this badly for days afterwards. It was a bizarre experience. I'm hoping a second viewing will allow me to appreciate the positives of this movie more with the benefit of hindsight and distance from my initial shock. But I can tell you, nothing I've ever seen can compare to seeing my hope die and my world burn up on that screen that day. It was the opposite of the feeling I had walking out of The Last Jedi, my all time favourite movie I've ever watched.