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  So, when I first put up the videos on hard magic, I didn't know they would go that far, so I didn't necessarily have a strong idea of what I wanted to do next. How would you feel about a video on the 'final battle' we see in a lot of stories, my lovely patrons? Stay nerdy!

~ Tim


Allisyn Toth

In the loyal order of ingerman episode I saw a dramillion fire a plasma blast, and I had some questions about that. Would you consider maybe doing a video on that in the future! Totally up to you and I can't wait to see any video you make!

Hello Future Me

Oh, yes! Definitely. My breakdown of the latest season will be the video after my next. I'll make a whole video on the dramillion we saw shoot night fury blasts.

Jana Sonnenberg

A „final battle“ vid sounds interesting! Charcterdesign would be too. Iˋm allways afraid my boys and girls are „2Demensional“...