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Chapter 25


“It is good to see you, Dr Isley,” he said as he lay there on the hospital bed; the redhead woman stood beside him, a bouquet of flowers in her hands, a small basket of what seemed to be fruits dangling from the other one as she smiled nervously.

“It’s the least I could do,” she said as Selina walked forward and took the bouquet from her, motioning for her to sit down.

“No. No, it’s fine. You should have the seat, Miss Kyle,” and that last word made him raise a brow.

“Miss Kyle!” he teased as Selina rolled her eyes before turning towards Palmella.

“You can just call me Selina as you did before,” she said, and the red-haired woman frowned.

“But aren’t you,” she then hesitantly pointed at them, and Selina nodded.

“Yes, but that doesn’t have to change things between us,” she smiled as she moved a bit and placed the bouquet on the table before sliding on the bed by his side as Palmella took the seat.

The week since he had woken up had been hectic, to say the least; his injuries were too extensive, and even after a month and a half, he was still bedridden, his spine broken in several places, the extent of the damage yet unknown.

And then there was Gotham. They had been a little late in the distribution of the antitoxin, and that had caused major havoc in the city, a city which he had helped clean up, yet now the streets were once more littered with crime and injustice, with only Gotham’s caped crusader left to scare the criminal element of the city.

He was about to get a new ally, if the news were right, for Gotham City had just elected a new DA.

Harvey Dent.


Selina saw his eyes resting on the TV screen as she snuggled into his side as she snarked.

“Tch. It seems they have all forgotten about you and your heroics and have picked a new favorite,” she said, and he raised a brow.

“I was never their favorite,” he replied as he turned to face the redhead.

“I am sorry; I believe you must be thinking why I called for you, Dr Isley,” he asked, and he didn’t miss how the redhead’s eyes were lingering at someone beside him.

“Yeah,” she said quickly as she turned to face him as he continued.

“You must find it rather surprising that our lawyers have kept the city’s police and other departments from questioning you regarding the events of that night a month ago,” he began, and she nodded.

“Yes, but I don’t know why?” she questioned as her eyes narrowed.

“First of all, I want to thank you for saving mine and Selina’s life on that day; she tells me that you were the first person to find us,” he began, and she shook her head rapidly.

“There is no need for thanks. Plus, it is I who should be thanking you after all,” she said, not continuing as he waved her gratitude away.

“You don’t have to thank me for anything, though I believe there could be a little favor you could do me,” he began and saw her nod.

“Anything,” she said enthusiastically.

He thought of his words for a second before he finally began.

“The reason that my lawyers have been preventing you from giving a statement about the events of that night is because of what you saw in my office, especially in regarding to what you didn’t see,” he began and she frowned for a second as she tried to reason what he was trying to say.

But before she could, Selina cut in from the side.

“He doesn’t want anyone to find out about what he was wearing on that night,” she cut in, and he frowned as she shrugged.

“What! Just get one with it,” she waved away, as Palmella’s mouth opened wide as she uttered.

“Ooh!” the redhead gasped before she turned to face him.

“You don’t have to worry about that, of course. I will keep my mouth shut. I won’t mention anything about that,” she assured him, and he believed her sincerity as he nodded.

“Thank you for this. If there is anything you need, you can reach out to me,” he thanked her, and she shook her head.

“No, no, thank you for the offer, Mr. Wayne,” she turned him down before glancing at the clock and getting up.

“Well, then, I will be on my way,” she said as she got up.

“Please, stay,” he offered, but she refused his offer, and soon she was out of his room, leaving him alone with Selina once more, who, for some reason, was eyeing him rather maliciously.

“What?” he asked as she raised a brow.

“Mr. Wayne?” she teased, and he rolled his eyes.

“Is my cat getting jealous?” he retorted, and her eyes narrowed, and that was answer enough.

“Ooo, you are,” he joked, and she shook her head in denial.

“I am not, though I would love to see her try,” she challenged, and he chuckled as he slid back one of her hands, pushing it behind her ear as he continued.

“You don’t have to worry about her, though,” he began, surprising her as he continued.

“It is I who should worry in this case, for what you missed is that her eyes weren’t quite lingering on me but on yours truly,” he told her, and she frowned before her eyes widened as her lips parted.

“Oh!” she gasped, as her head snapped towards the door once more.

“You mean?” and he nodded.

“Yeah, she swings the other way,” he told her the redhead’s secret, something which he had learned when he had the redhead test the prototype of his phone.

“That’s interesting,” she muttered.

“Why! Should I be worried?” he asked, and she raised a brow as she replied smugly.

“Maybe?” she told him, and both of them chuckled, and life seemed to have eased out all the worries vanishing for a second before they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Who is there?” he questioned with a frown, for he was to have no more guests for today.

“Sir, it’s the DA,” came the voice as the door to his room was opened, and none other than Harvey Dent walked in.

“I am sorry for barging in,” he apologized, yet Thomas was instantly on edge as Selina pulled away, a frown on her face as well.

Yet, despite his apprehension, he smiled as he spoke up.

“Your visit is a surprise, but what brings the newly appointed DA to my office?” he questioned, and the man smiled.

“I know. I am sorry for the surprise, but actually, I am not here for you,” he began, and he frowned.

“Why, you're finally giving up,” he asked, and the man chuckled.

“Kind of. I don’t think I have much to gain for going after you. Your office seems hesitant about making a statement about the events of that night, suspicious, but I don’t think any judge in this city will grant us a subpoena against you,” he challenged, and Thomas shrugged.

“That’s a problem, but you don’t have to worry about that anymore, you can contact my office, they will be able to help you now,” he said, and the man was surprised.

“Thanks, but that case is done. I am here for a different reason,” he said as he turned to face Selina, and he frowned as he questioned once more, this time his tone much more forceful.

“And what is that?” he asked.

“I am here to talk to Miss Kyle, more specifically about her family,” he began, and he saw his words send alarm bells in her mind as she put up her guard and asked out.

“What family?” she questioned back in rage.

He saw Dent frown as he took an envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table.

“Your father,” and the very air in the room stilled at his words as Selina’s eyes narrowed at his words before she snarled.

“I have no father!” and he saw Dent nod as his lips thinned.

“You may feel that way, but it is my duty to inform you that Carmina Falcone died a month or so ago in his holding cell,” he finished, and he saw Selina’s eyes widen at his words.

“He is dead?” she gasped out, and he nodded.

“Yes, he was murdered by another inmate, we are still trying to locate the culprit,” he said and he gripped her hand.

He knew of Selina’s resentment for her father and his enterprise. Yet this death robbed her of any closure she may have sought, yet he thought of it a blessing. Carmine Falcone was cancer, cancer that plagued this city, and with him dead, Gotham’s underbelly would be in chaos for some time, yet their hold would weaken.

In the end, it was a net gain for the city.

“The man included you in his will, and left to you a small sum…”

“I don’t want it!” her voice cut across the room as she got up and squeezed his hand.

“Donate it. Burn it. I don’t care, I have no ties with the man, you speak of. And I would like for you to leave me and my sister in peace,” she barked out, and Dent nodded as he raised his hand.

“As you wish, Miss Kyle,” he said as he pocketed the envelope and looked towards him.

“Hope you get well soon, Mr. Wayne,” and with that, the man was gone again, leaving the room much more somber than when he had walked in as a storm raged on side Selina as she grits her teeth, her nails dug into his hands, as her eyes watered up.

“Why!” she gasped out her breathing rough as she turned to face him.

“WHY!” she nearly screamed as she lay her head on his chest and let herself let loose, as tears slipped down her eyes.

She wasn’t crying for Falcone. No, these tears for the family she never had.

For the father she never had.

For the love she never got.

For the revenge she never got.


Arc 2 begins!


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