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Chapter 55


“Rhaenyra is pregnant!” she questioned incredulously as Aenys settled down beside her on the bed, and he nodded.

“Yes, I confirmed it myself in Vale,” he continued, quashing the notion that her ears were playing tricks on her. But that was news to her, and she was elated, of course, but she was more worried.

For she lived with Rhaenyra and her brother, Gwayne. And thinking of them as parents, well, Seven bless that child.

“How?” she gasped out, and Aenys looked at her with a mocking smile as she quickly shook her head.

“Are you really asking that my dear?” he said with a chuckle, and a small blush crept up her cheeks as she pinched his arm, making him wince.

“Ouch! Ouch! Is this how you treat your lord husband, who has returned after a week,” he complained animatedly, and she rolled her eyes.

“You know what I mean,” she said, and he nodded as he rubbed his arm.

“Well, it doesn’t matter how. She is with a child and is set to marry in a few weeks. I don’t think it matters much,” he added, and she noticed how his expression changed the next moment as he continued.

“Though there is something else that I wanted to tell you,” he began, and she could tell from his tone that this matter was rather serious, so she nodded.

“I had a discussion with Rhaenyra about the succession in Vale and have decided to support her claim,” he finished, and she stilled at those words, for they were a contradiction to his earlier decision.

Yet, unlike when he had reluctantly given in to hers and Rhaenyra’s demands, this time, his mind seemed made up as he looked at her with a determined gaze.

“Why?” she questioned, knowing that if there was a chance of making him change it once more, she must first understand the reason behind this change.

“Because I don’t want the throne, because taking it would be more of a hindrance, but most of all,” he began to list them out as he turned towards her and looked her in the eye.

“But most of all, because I don’t believe in letting fear control my decisions, and even this time, I won't let the fear of an unknown scenario determine what I do, come whatever may,” he finished.

“But what of the Council! What will happen if Daemon calls a Grand Council,” she questioned worriedly, and his eyes narrowed as he answered.

“There wont be a damned Council!” he answered, surprising her.

“A council is only ever necessary if the succession is in crisis, or the monarch himself calls it as my grandfather did. A mistake which haunts my family to this day,” he began seething as he named King Jaehaerys the culprit of his family’s divide as he often did.

“In this scenario, there is no reason for a Grand Council, and as the heir to the throne, Rhaenyra shall have every opportunity to refuse any such demand,” he said.

“But what of the lords! What will we do if they listen to Daemon’s call and gather for a Council what will we do then,” she implored.

“Any such lords who defy the Crown’s intentions and attend an illegal Council will be branded as traitors and will be dealt as such. I will show them no mercy, and they will face the full might of the Crown,” he answered resolutely, his mind made up as she gasped.

“That could be disastrous! Thousands could die,” she gasped, and his expression didn’t shift at her words as he looked her in the eye.

“Then so be it,” he said in a cold, detached tone that told her enough that he was willing to condemn thousands of people for this.

“But what of Rhaenyra, even she wished for you to take the throne,” she questioned, and he stood up as he waved away her question.

“Rhaenyra is a child. She feared what came after the ascension, but I have assured her that I would stand by her side,” he began, surprising her with his next words.

“I have decided that I shall serve her as her hand for enough time after the ascension to both sort out this mess and teach her as much as she may want to learn,” he told her, surprising her.

“You will be her hand,” she confirmed, and he nodded.

“Yes,” he replied, and she looked down at her own hands, knowing that his decision was final and that she could do little to change it.

“Are you certain of this, Aenys,” she asked him once more, and he didn’t even hesitate as he answered.

“Yes, I am. Men have ruled over this realm for a century now, and we have fought wars and killed thousands in our little games. Women are thought of as nothing more than fertile wombs to birth heirs and children for their lords. I believe her ascension would change that, not in months or weeks, or even years, but it could trigger a change, a change for the better,” he said regally, his words striking a cord within her, for he was right.

Women in their world were often thought of as nothing more than fertile wombs, as men ruled their lands and made war. Rhaenyra’s ascension could change things. It could act as a symbol of a better future, of better dreams for the girls of the realm.

It could bring change into this world. Change just as Aenys had brought through his own discoveries.

And who was she to stand against her own lord Husband?

She saw him standing there, above her, and held his hand gently, pulling him down onto the bed once more, her hands caressing the sides of his face as she uttered.

“I know no man in this realm who would ever give up an opportunity to wear a Crown, especially for a woman, even if it may be her niece,” she said softly.

“I am not those men. I am Aenys Targaryen, the Healer Prince, husband to Alicent Hightower, father to Aenar Targaryen, and perhaps a few more,” he iterated, his hand caressing her belly as he leaned closer, bringing their faces together. Her heart melted upon hearing her and their child’s name.

“And those are titles enough for me; I hope they are enough for you, too,” he said, and she nodded.

“Of course they are,” she said as she kissed him deeply. Their lips met each other, their bodies inching closer as he pulled her in, and when they separated minutes later, she saw him smile as he uttered.

“You are very cruel, my lady,” he teased, and she smiled as she shrugged.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”



Corlys Velaryon sat in his solar reading about the latest happenings at court and the recent Royal visit to the Vale, and from what he read, he knew that they had lost the support of one whole kingdom.

Vale was already quite firmly entrenched into Rhaenyra’s side over this succession crisis, given her heritage. How Daemon had scorned the Lady Rhea of House Royce, yet this visit had more or less confirmed that if a Council was called, they would get no support from the Vale.

Not only had Daemon humiliated the Vale lords, but the Princess and her supporter Prince Aenys had promised Royal Support to the Kingdom to deal with the pirates, a fact which he had hoped he would use to bargain with the Vale lords. Yet now, that opportunity was gone.

He had known that the battle for succession would not be easy, for he would not be facing the Princess in this battle. No, their opponent would be her biggest supporter and the one man Corlys felt could make this whole thing a mess.

Prince Aenys. As long as the Princess held his support, the battle would remain tilted in her favor. And as of yet, neither he nor Daemon had thought up a way to disrupt the man from her side.

“You have to see reason, father. This is a lost cause,” his son implored as he paced frustratingly in the room. Laenor Velaryon, son of Corlys Vealryon and Rhaenys Targaryen, rider of a Seasmoke, heir to the throne of Driftmark, yet to him, he was a disappointment.

A massive disappointment.

The boy had his own blood, mixed with the blood of pure royalty in the form of his wife, yet he was not made to be King. No, he was a disappointment.

A sword swallower, one who refused to do his duty to his family and had forced him into this alliance with Daemon.

“Speak no more, boy,” he said as Laenor came to a halt and glared at him.

“You and I both know what Daemon is. The whole realm knows. You cannot mean to marry Laena to someone like him; she doesn’t wish to marry him; you will tear down this whole family like this,” he implored, and Crolys frowned as he cut in scathingly.

“Do not speak to me of wishes, boy. She is my daughter, and she will do as I ask, and I only want what is best for this House and family,” he challenged, and he was realizing that Laenor was not the best for this House, that he would need to make preparations for the coming times to secure the future of his House.

“And you think this is the best! Imprisoning their mother, marrying Laena to a madman, and joining Daemon in his lost cause. This is nothing but a tragedy. No one will support Daemon’s bid for the Crown,” he shouted, and Corlys waved it off, a small part of his heart telling him that his son spoke the truth, yet he ignored it as he continued.

“You don’t know, men. The Lord will never let a woman rule. I came to learn that when the Council was called and the Lords overlooked your mother for Viserys, Daemon shall have the support for that simple reason. As for his actions and behavior, I shall be able to tame it,” he said, and Laneor’s eyes narrowed as he cut in.

“Was it really mother the lords denied all those years ago,” he challenged, and Corly's temper flared as he brought his fist down on the table, rising to his feet in rage.

“Mind how you speak to me!” he shouted, and he saw Laenor flinch, yet the boy didn’t back down as he looked him in the eye.

“You do know who sits behind Rhaenyra, right? Who her biggest supporter is?” he challenged, and of course he knew, and so did the Lords, and that was the whole damned problem.

“Aenys Targaryen, the man has more accolades than any man in history, his wealth, power, and influence unmatched. Do you really wish to make an enemy of him just because of your damned ego!” Laenor challenged.

His nostrils flared, and his face flushed as he replied.

“I plan to have him removed from her side,” he told him, but Laenor raised a brow and shook his head.

“That is impossible. Aenys will never give up his support for Rhaenyra. And by supporting Daemon, you will make him an enemy, a man who has thwarted Prince Daemon at every turn until this point. He will not let Daemon take the throne, not as long as he lives,” he challenged, and he waved him away.

“The what will you have me do boy! Huh, tell me! Do you not see why I do this, that you are the reason why I am forced into this!” he retorted in rage and saw Laenor frown.

“Me? What did I do?” he questioned and Corlys shook his head in disgust as he answered.

“It is about what you didn’t do! You damned sword swallower!” he shouted and saw Laenor recoil at his words.

“I don’t kn…”

“Keep your lies to yourself! The whole realm knows! Why do you think the Princess denied the match with you!” he challenged and saw him recoil at his words.

“So that is what this all is about!” he asked, and Corlsy waved his hand.

“Of course it is! I must ensure the future of this House now. Future that you have put into jeopardy,” he said and saw him frown for a second.

“Then I will marry whomever you ask! But please stop this,” and Corlys waved it away, snickering at this.

“It is too late now. I have made up my mind. Your sister shall marry. Daemon and I shall also choose an appropriate bride for you,” he said, and Laenor’s lips thinned.

“This will not end well,” he said, and Corlys scoffed.

“I don’t care, and you will do as I command. I am Corlys Velaryon. I built this whole place into what it is. I toiled for the fortune that you all enjoy, and now you shall do as I say!” he commanded and saw his son frown before he shook his head and walked out of the room, leaving him all alone.




Aenys needs to humble daemon and corlys ASAP!


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Good to see Corlys so mad!!!!!! Aenys is right The Council (stupid as it was) happened only because the King wanted to and the thing was quite unclear. Viserys only has a daughter. Ergo, the only possible heir is a daughter