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Chapter 1- Lying Lips!


It was the night after the exams, and the halls of Hogwarts were filled with celebration and joy as the students celebrated their newfound freedom. The infamous closets of the school were all filled up as the students unwound after the hectic exams.

As a prefect, he was to enforce many of the school laws that were being broken today. However, it was a common consensus that for the final week of the school year the prefects would let such small infractions go.

A part of him still couldn’t believe where he was as he cycled through those halls, dressed in robes, wand in hand, walking through the halls of a literal school of magic.

Alden Potter had been born to Charlus and Dorea Potter nee Black and was a cousin to James Potter. Charlus Potter had participated in the war against Grindelwald and had fought against his forces. The man was a war-hardened wizard, while his wife was a med-witch who worked in St. Mungo’s.

They had met each other during the times of war, and their romance had blossomed under the tubulations of war. The two had returned and, despite strong opposition from their families, had decided to settle down, with Charlus becoming a teacher at the Auror academy and Dorea continuing with her job at St. Mungo’s.

His birth had been a welcome surprise to the couple, who had long given up on any hope of children until one day, the med-witch had found herself pregnant, much to the delight and surprise of the ostracized couple.

For that was what they were: two individuals belonging to two families with nearly opposite political ideologies, and their union had upset many among them, yet thankfully, the passage of time would heal some of the bonds.

And so nine months later, I was born, named Alden Potter, born with the black eyes of the Blacks and the unruly blonde hair of Potters. Early life was much of a blur, haunted my nightmares and dreams that made no sense to me until, at the age of nine as I had my first bout of accidental magic and blew up half the House.

The ordeal led to me going into a small coma for a week, and when I woke up it all made sense. The dreams, the nightmares, and it all clicked together.

The years ahead had been tumultuous, with the knowledge of the incoming tragedy, at first, Alden ahd thought of leaving the British Isles altogether until he had realized the futility of his desire, for his parents weren’t ones to abandon their family and home country.

And so he had thrown himself into his studies with reckless abandon as he decided to use everything at his disposal so he could protect them from the war, set to envelop the Magical world of Britain.

Over the years, he had succeeded in making some changes, yet his age and youth had meant that his efforts had been basically on the small scale. Yet even at Hogwarts, he had tried to do what he could to limit the spread of Voldemort’s ideology.

Yet there was more to do, much more. And now that he was done with his OWLs he could finally have a greater voice.

And then suddenly, as he rounded the last corner, frowning at the sound of heels clacking on the hard floor of the school, he took out his wand in preparation, though he was taken aback when suddenly a student bumped into him and tripped.

He reacted quickly, wrapping his arms around her, as he pulled her into himself. Her half-blonde and half black hair splashed him in the face and in the whole of Hogwarts there was only one witch with such signature hair.

“Black! What are you doing running like this in the Halls?” he said yet he didn’t put down his wand, as he heard the sound of another person running behind her.

And the way her eyes were red, and she was looking at him, she was probably running away from that person.

And he looked up, and saw exactly who it was, his Blonde hair long and iconic, his own perfect batch strapped to his coat, as he eyed the Slytherin witch in your arms with a twisted gaze. Alden frowned as he pulled her closer to him, stepping infront of her as he saw the blonde’s face twisted in rage.


But before he had gotten the words out of his mouth, he felt Narcissa lean forward abruptly, her arms wrapped itself around the back of his face, and then before he could react her soft lips crashed onto his own, as she kissed him right there in the middle of the Hall, in front of Malfoy whose eyes widened as he shouted.

“What do you think you are doing!”









In the Halls of the Number twelve Grimauld Place, one of Britain’s oldest and richest families sat down for a meal. The Noble and Most Ancient House Black, famous throughout the British Isles for their obscure magics and massive wealth. The family had a rich history and was often the center of politics throughout the land.

The whole family, or at least a rather large portion of the family sat in Dining Hall, the atmosphere tense and prickly as the three daughters of the infamous House sat and ate in silence. The infamous Black sisters, each silent for a different reason.

Bellatrix’s silence was one out of reluctance, for grandfather had forbade her from speaking of the so-called Lord Voldemort she had found herself enamored with. Ever since her graduation, she had scarcely stopped signing praises of the man, often joined by their Aunt Walburge as they tried to convince their grandfather to support this rising power in the magical world.

Yet her eyes remained focused on the chair which sat empty beside their mother. Cygnus Black, her father, had yet to enter the dining Hall, and she wished the man would not return. And as she sat besides her other sister, Andromeda she knew that the older witch may have a similar wish.

Yet their prayers were not answered as she heard the floo light up, her heart stopping for a second, and her grip on her fork tightened as she heard his rapid steps thunder over the wooden flooring.

“Narcissa!” he shouted as he entered the dining Hall, as dread pooled in her heart.

“Why are you shouting like an incel in my House!” the Lord of the family and her paternal Uncle shouted from the head of the table.

Her father entered the room, and Cygnus Black was flushed in rage. The man’s grey eyes were blazing as they stared at her, and she did her best to avoid looking at him as she focused on the food in her plate hoping for it all to pass.

“What has happened, Cygnus?” questioned their mother, Dreulla Black nee Rosier frowned as she saw her husband’s enraged visage and spoke smoothly, hoping to soothe him.

Yet her words had little effect as the man huffed, his breath heavy as he pointed towards her.

“What happened? Why don’t you ask your precious little daughter why I just have to beg Abraxus Malfoy to not end the match between his son and her!”

And she could see everyone at the table turn to gaze at her. Their gazes bored through her, as she did her best to examine the fried toast and dark sausage in her plate.

“What is the meaning of this, Narcissa?” came the screeching voice of her Aunt Walburga.

“What have you done that, to shame our House like this!” she complained, and her reaction was just what she had expected.

“Do you have any idea how good a match between you and Lucius is, and how close he is to the Lord Voldemort!” her own eldest sibling chimed in, lost too much in her reverie for that stranger to care about her sister.

Andromeda beside her, the only one who knew what had truly transpired, squeezed her hand.

“Answer me! Narcissa! Tell them what did you do to shame my name like this!” her father screamed again, and she flinched due to the anger.

“SHUT UP, BOY!” her grandfather Arcturus spoke from his position, his voice raspy and strained as he gave her father a glare.


“Why are you getting angry at Cygnus? He seems to be the only member of this family who seems to be doing something right, allying us with the Lord Voldemort! If it were up to you….” But her grandfather cut off her Aunt.


“Aunt Walburga is right! The Dark Lord will purge our society of those mudbloods and bring it to greater heights! The Malfoys are amongst the Lord’s closest allies. A match with them would have helped our family,” Bellatrix went on her tirade, and she could see her grandfather losing her patience.

“Exactly! And somehow Narcissa has angered Lucius, and now he wishes to absolve the whole match. So, tell me what did you do Narcissa!” and he gulped down nervously as she found herself under three distinct glares.

All the excuses she had prepared, about Lucius’s unreasonable advances, her own suspicions about his outings, left her mind as she felt all those eyes focus on her, as another pair of eyes landed on her this one much gentler than the rest.

“Tell me dear, what transpired between you and Lucius to bring about this change?” questioned her grandmother, Melania Black, the woman had always had a soft spot for her, and Narcissa looked up and found her father glaring at her and under that immense pressure, she answered with the first thing that came to her mind.

“Because I like someone else!” and then there was silence as her father fumed.

“You rasca…! I will teach you some manners!” and she saw him reach for his wand.

“Cygnus,” her mother said worriedly as she rushed towards him as he took out his wand but someone had reacted faster, and the wand was removed from his hand and she looked up and found her grandfather aiming his wand at her father.

“She is your daughter you idiot!” he snarled angrily, as his gaze turned towards her, grey eyes narrowed at her as he questioned in a gruff tone.

“Who is it?” he questioned, and she took the first name that came to her mind.

“Alden,” she began as Andromeda beside her stiffened and looked at her with widened eyes, knowing that her words were nothing more than lies.

“Alden Potter!” she managed to say out, and the whole room was silent and she could see her grandfather’s mind race as her father’s voice cut in.

“NO!” Cygnus Black snarled angrily.

“Not that blood traitor’s son!”



In a small cottage located on a hill near the village of Godric’s hollow, Dorea Black found herself in the kitchen preparing breakfast as the two men behind her on the table debated each other as if the Wizengamont itself was in session.

Both of them stubborn to the bone, not that she was any different though. Dorea Black, had married her husband, Charlus Potter despite serious backlash from her family, most of them appalled that she would choose to marry a person from a family with so different values.

There had been fights and criticism, yet she had persisted, and in the end she had left her home, refusing to budge from her position, and had found herself in the home of one Charlus Potter, a young boy who had just returned from the war. And it had taken a toll on him, the constant fighting, the threats, the strife, and despite that, she had never seen his eyes shine as brightly as when she had appeared infront of his house.

The marriage had been stressful, with family members of neither family attending. His own family had been against the match as well, initially, though they had come around over the years, yet a wall had been formed between him and his cousins, one which existed to this day.

The years after their marriage had been filled with joy, yet tragedy had struck them again as the healers told them of her inability to have children of their own. The news had broken her, pushing her into depression, even as Charlus tried to console her. Over the years, she would be able to come to terms with the tragedy, until years later, she would wake up with morning sickness, and all the other symptoms of a pregnancy, for she was well aware of them due to her occupation.

And so, after a secretive checkup, they would be given the good news.

She was truly with a child. She remembers breaking down into tears as the healer informed them of the news, her ears refusing to believe the words. And then nine months later, Alden Potter was born, blonde of hair, just like his father, yet with her own grey steely eyes.

“But they are doing nothing. It’s as if they don’t care what about muggle lives at all!” her son argued, already an adult though by wizarding standards, having turned seventeen recently.

Her husband shook his head.

“We cannot interfere with the muggle world openly. The attacks are a tragedy, but we cannot put the whole society in danger like that,” and she could see Alden had another slew of arguments ready to go.

His hair was cut short as he sat on the chair in her pajamas and a loose shirt. Alden was, for all intents and purposes a mirror image of Charlus in his youth, strong-willed and stubborn with a strong sense of justice.

“Alright both of you,” she cut in stopping him from speaking up as she placed their breakfast infront of them. Simple egg and toast, with tea for herself and Charlus, who gave her a warm smile, thanking her for the rescue, as she disgustedly pushed Alden’s coffee towards him, still not understanding what was behind this American obsession of his.

“That is enough politics for breakfast. We still have lunch and dinner left,” she said as she gave Alden a pointed stare, knowing of his penchant for not relenting.

“As you wish, mother,” he said as he took a sip of his cup.

“Is he really our son,” Charlus added from the side as he saw Alden drink the bitter coffee.

“Unfortunately, yes,” she added as she sipped her own tea, as Alden rolled his eyes.

“This whole sketch has become too old,” he said as he raised his cup and spoke in an animated tone.

“Coffee is love. Coffee is life,” and she rolled her eyes.

“So, any word about your OWL results,” she questioned, and he shook his head, as he cut into the toast.

“Not yet, you know they usually arrive near the end of the break, so they will come any day now,” came the reply. And she wasn’t worried about his results at all. Alden himself had always taken his studies rather seriously, something which she was proud of. He was handy with his wand, often dueling his father over the summer break, and what a spectacle those duels would be.

“Any plans with your friends,” she added nonchalantly and watched him halt for a moment as she promptly added.

“Perhaps that Greengrass girl I keep hearing so much about,” she said, and she saw Charlus narrow his eyes at Alden, who was looking at her with a perplexed gaze.

“Now tell me how in the hell did you even hear about that!” he questioned, scandalized, and she chuckled.

“A reporter never reveals his secret,” she said as she sipped her tea. The truth was it was Poppy. For some reason, children were rather chatty in the nursery, hence informing the matron of all the school gossip.

“You are not a reporter, you are a med-witch. So, It doesn’t apply to you,” he said, and she just brushed off his retort as she questioned once again.

“So, tell me, why haven’t I heard of this Miss Greengrass before?” she questioned, and from what she had heard the girl was a from a year above his senior by a year, not that it mattered much.

Poppy had said that there were rumors that both of them were dating, though she had also mentioned that same rumors spoke of a

“No, there is nothing to say,” came the answer, and she could tell that there was more to the story than what she had heard.

“Ohh, but is there something going on between you two,” she pushed, and Alden evaded her gaze and shook his head, his lips thin as he answered.

“It’s nothing, just some stupid rumors,” he replied rather dejectedly, clearly showing that he was hiding something.

In the end, she decided to let it go, knowing pushing any further would simply be counterproductive.

Both her and Charlus gave each other a passing glance, and then she heard sound of wings flapping, as two owls flew into the kitchen.

Elfin, their family dropped the mail infront of them, and she frowned as she saw a letter in the mix, one with a rather familiar crest stamped on it. The second owl flew over Alden and dropped a letter for him as well.

Alden picked up the letter with a frown, much like her.

And her guess had been right, and she recognized that crest. It was the Black family crest, and she frowned. Why the hell was someone from her family writing to her?

Over the years, her relationship with some family members had gotten better, but it wasn’t at the level of writing such formal letters.

She was too lost in her own letter to see Alden tearing into his own, skimming over it. His eyes widened with every line, as his fists balled up until his face suddenly paled as he glanced above at the letter in her own hand.

“Shit!” he cursed, and she looked up and found him staring at her with a horrified expression, just as he should.


A little something I cooked up. Not in regular serialization yet, because of some time constraints on my part, because of my ongoing exams, but yeah do give me your thoughts.




"Why are you shouting like an incel in my House" Is this correct? How does an incel shout? :o


Idiot! Its aupposed to be idiot! Yeah i need to go over the damn thing, will do so but my exams have me tied up a bit.

Kobe Robertson

This story canna be fire plz drop this often