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Chapter 41


The orange haired kunoichi was tense much like the rest of Kiri forces as they watched their Mizukage come head to head with the infamous leader of Amegakure. For everyone knew, that things could escalate any second now.

They had all seen a hint of the man’s prowess when the man had dismantled the Mizukage’s water ninjutsu with his fire style, yet now as the two of them came head-to-head, she felt as if her whole existence was on a knife’s edge.

Many in Kiri had been against mounting such offense, for Kiri unlike Konoha, Iwa and Kumo didn’t boast a massive shinobi force, but relied on a much smaller more elite force. And their numbers had already taken a massive hit during the Great War. A war which was essentially over now, ending in what many concluded as a simple loss for them.

There were many voices in the village rising against the current Mizukage, blaming him for this whole scenario and she was quite sure that it was because of those very dissenting voices that the Mizukage-sama had decided to mount this attack on Ame, to try and salvage his reputation.

The pressure from their clashing chakras was massive and she could feel it ripple through the air even at such a distance as the Mizukage stood face to face with the leader of Ame.

“That man is dangerous, very dangerous,” a voice from the side cut in. And it was none other than their vice commander, Ao-san.

“Why do you say that?” she questioned with a frown.

“His chakra, is very potent. I have never seen such mastery over chakra from any ninja, in a straight up fight I believe he could prove himself to be even stronger than Mizukage-sama,” he whispered to her and she stilled at those words, for she was aware first hand just how powerful Yuki-sama was, but according to him, this man was even more powerful than him.

“Though it seems he is apprehensive about conflict, and lord Mizukage-sama have come to an accord,” he said and she watched as the pressured lowered and the two men turned away from each other.

“Shit!” Ao was the first to curse up, and pale and she could tell why as she saw Mizukage-sama turn quickly, as an ice spike impaled the Ame leader.

And she could feel the very air still as the silver haired nin turned to face their Mizukage-sama.

“No matter what happened don’t move!” Ao shouted halting he many zealous shinobi that were about to run forward.

And then it happened, the silver haired nin’s body dissolved into water, before he suddenly appeared right above their Mizukage-sama, and brought down an water blade to cleave him in two.

It all happened in an instant and she watched, horrified as Lord Mziukage’s arm fell to the ground, blood spilling from it dying the ground red.

“What the hell AO! Let us go!” Ameyuri Ringo shouted, and Ao-san didn’t budge, his eyes narrowed at the scene infront of him.

She watched as a dome of ice mirrors appeared around them, obscuring their vision, as Juzo-san smirked from the side.

“Huh, it will all be over shortly,” he replied as he pushed his blade into the ground, confident like much of their force. For they all knew of the legends, no shinobi till this day had ever walked out alive out of the mirror prison of Yuki-sama.

Yet she didn’t miss the hint of nervousness in Ao-san, whose eyes remained focused on the battle, infront.

“KAI!” they heard a whisper, and they all stilled as a wave of ominous chakra rippled through the air. And she had had an inkling that she had felt a sensation similar to this before, but when?

Everyone was on edge, as the chakra rippled through the air, and then she watched as Ao-san gasped.

“Impossible,” and just as she was about to question him, the Ice mirrors broke down, cracking and falling to the ground as her blood ran cold at the scene infront of her.

For right there infront of her was none other than the Mizukage-sama, on the ground, unmoving with blood spilt around his body, as the silver haired Ame nin stood above him.

And she could feel a sense of nervousness pass through their force as Ao-san voiced out.

“He is dead! Lord Yuki is dead,” he gasped out, startled and shocked by his words.

And then she felt a shiver run down her spine as the silver haired nin looked towards them, his mismatched eyes piercing through the Kiri force.

“Your leader is dead, dead for he backed down out of an accord of peace,” his vice rang out through the area. The Ame forces now had stepped forward as well, and four members of their force now stood right behind him, alert and poised for combat.

“I wished not to spill blood here, yet it seems my wish was not shared by your leader,” his voice called out and she could see Ringo-san and Juzo san grit their teeth, as they looked at the Ame nin with narrowed eyes.

“I shall give you all the same choice, turn back and me and my forces shall not chase after you,” he shouted.

And then a wave of chakra cut through their force bringing many of the novice genin and even chunin to their knees.

“Fight and this land shall become your graveyard!”

And sweat dripped down her face as she gulped down, and she could see Ao-san’s mind race as he thought of his descion.

“Fuck you, you bastard!” Ameyuri-san was quick to shout in rage as she jumped forward.

“I will kill you,” she shouted, as Juzo san rushed behind her as well, followed by Mangetsu as well.

And as she was about to join them as well, a hand from Ao-san stopped her, and the rest of Kiri force as well.

“No!” he shouted, commanding everyone to stand down.

“But Ao-sama…” some tried to complain.

“That is an order!” he cut in, sharply halting all complaints and soon enough it was revealed why.

For seconds after the three Kiri-nin rushed to pounce on the silver haired nin, they all died. In minutes, a wave of fear passing through the Kiri force at such display of prowess as the silver haired nin stood there and stared at them, apathetically, as blood dripped from his face.

“Anyone else?”



“What do you mean the body is gone?” the fourth Hokage questioned him, and he nodded.

“It is as I reported, we scoured through the cave in detail. Yet there was no trace of Madara Uchiha’s body there,” he reported once more as he stood opposite to her, in her office.

“That is impossible, Ohashi only mentioned the location of the cave to me,” she remarked before her eyes narrowed once more.

“Did you talk to him about this, and confirm that the location as accurate?” she questioned and he nodded.

“I did, and he said it was the same cave,” he replied, and he could see her mind racing before she cautiously voiced out.

“Do you think he…” and he shook his head.

“I doubt that this was him, for he wouldn’t have had the time. He was engaged with the Kiri forces on his Norther border, and couldn’t have travelled to the cave,” he replied and given that none apart from him and them was aware of the location of the cave, made this all a lot more suspicious.

“Then who?” she questioned with a frown and he shook his head.

“I have no idea, but whomever they are, they are now in the possession of a body that holds various Konoha secrets in it, secrets that I don’t believe we would like getting out,” he added and she nodded.

“Youa re right, that body cannot be allowed to remain out there like this,” she concluded as she looked towards.

“So, until it is found I am making a special task force, one whose sole mission is to locate and recover Madara Uchiha’s body,” she said as she looked towards him.

“And you shall lead it yourself, Namikaze,” she ordered him and he nodded.

“As you wish Tsunade-sama,” he replied.

“Assemble a team at once, coordinate with Ohashi  as well, I don’t care what it akes. I want that body found.”



OROCHIMARU-The Snake Sanin

The Snake Sanin could feel his whole world view shift with every passing second as he delved into the secrets hidden inside the body of Madara Uchiha.

And how fascinating they all were, the man had come close to achieving immortality, even after his death hos body was rife with vitality and strength refusing to decay. No, actually it was mending itself, the cells in it imbibing the rich nature chakra from the air, as they revitalized.

It was fascinating, almost as if he was not entirely dead yet. The man had used the cells of the First Hokage, to modify his body and the effects were simply marvelous. He had tried experimenting with the cells of Hashirama Senju as well, grafting them into various subjects over the years yet everytime the result had been nothing but a failure.

With Lord Hashirama’s cells overpowering and overcrowding the regular cells of the transplantee, their growth unnatural and uncontrolled.

Yet in this case they were in perfect harmony with him, becoming one with him.

“Fascinating,” he remarked as he came stood Infront of the experiment pod where his body floated in a thick chakra rich fluid, and unlike a regular dead body it imbibed that chakra, using it to recover itself.

In the three months that he had had this body in his possession he had fed it nearly a tailed beast’s worth of chakra, and the once withered remains of the greatest Uchiha ever were now as if it was the body of ninja in his prime.

“Just what were you Madara Uchiha? He said as he licked his lips, and with a final glance moved out of the room leaving the body all alone.

And then hours later, a massive chakra would rip through the lab as Madara Uchiha’s closed eyes would open once more, a pair of Sharingan spinning in them, their pattern unlike that of Madara, a pattern not ever recorded in the clan files, yet it had appeared before.

Appeared in the eyes of none other than the first Uchiha.

Indra Uchiha.

‘Where am I?’



Ok. Now this goes on hiatus. Both this one and Dragons reborn will return around end of Feb/ beginning of March as my exams wrap up.

The four serializations till then will be.

Healer Prince.

Reborn as a nobe

White Knight

The Other Potter(My new HP fic)


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