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Chapter 48


The whole castle of the Eyrie was buzzing with activity as the servants rushed through the Halls, whispering, shouting, and working with each other as the castle prepared itself for the upcoming marriage between Lady Rhea and Ser Joffrey Arryn.

A small feast had been arranged for them on their arrival, and despite the rumors of tensions between the two Houses, they had been well received, or at least he thought so. Rhaenyra was related to Lady Arryn by blood, being a cousin to her, and with Aemma being an Arryn by blood, there were many lords and ladies who had flocked to her side, trying to curry favor with her.

Not that he had been besotted by various lords, with many of them toasting to his defeat of Daemon in the tourney some weeks back, while others had been looking at him with a complicated gaze, especially when he had found himself talking and dancing with the Lady of the Vale herself.

Lady Jeyne Arryn herself had been the perfect host, behaving in a manner fitting of her station as the Lady of the Eyrie, yet even he could tell that a certain faction of the lords was not happy with the Lady of the Vale, and some of these scheming and disgruntled lords had subtly approached him trying to sow seeds of strife between the Crown and the Lady of the Vale.

Though the night was now long over, and much of the castle was yet to wake up after a night of feasting and drinking, he found himself waking you at his usual time, not being one to drink mindlessly.

He now strode through the infamous High Hall of the castle, made of blue-veined white marble; this was Eyrie’s throne room, with thin pillars and marble pillars holding up the elaborate ceiling. The ground was covered with a rich blue carpet. Two thrones, one larger and the other a bit smaller, were carved out of wierwood and were meant for the lord and his consort.

Though, his eyes were focused on the moon doors, a simple wierwood door, in the middle of the Hall, and below it was a six hundred foot drop.

“I wouldn’t stand so close to those doors,” another voice cut in through the quiet Hall, and he looked up and found the lady of the Eyrie standing near the massive wierwood gates. She was dressed in the blue of her house, her brown hair tied down in a simple braid as she gave him a smile.

“My lady,” he greeted her as she strode into the Hall with slow, and purposeful steps, her rather scandalous companion, Lady Jessamyn Redfort right behind her, as she returned his greeting.

“My Prince, you have woken up earlier than I had expected,” she questioned as she came and stood by his side.

“I wouldn’t say that it’s just that others are rather late with their mornings, though given how the wine and ale were flowing last night I can quite understand why,” he replied as the lady of the Vale nodded with a smile.

“Indeed, though it appears as though the feast was not to your liking, for you did not drink much of either,” she questioned in a pointed tone, and he shook his head.

“No, not all. The feast was lovely, but I would rather keep my bearings about me. I am not rather fond of getting drunk,” he replied, and she nodded.

“A rarity among the lords,” she replied as she turned to look at him.

“Have you broken your fast? If you haven’t, I would hope that you could join me and Lady Redfort,” and he shook his head. Breaking a fast before the lord or lady of a castle while being a guest would have been improper.

“Then please, join us,” she offered and led him away from the High Hall towards another part of the castle, where a table had been set for them and the rest of the guests as all three of us sat down and told the servants what we wanted for servants.

For him, it was simple porridge with boiled milk and eggs. Nothing too fancy or heavy.

“So, tell me, my Prince, what do you think of the Eyrie?” she cut in as we all waited for our breakfasts, and he gave an impressed nod.”

“It’s an impressive castle,” he answered honestly, and it was. The servants brought out their food, and after a small thanks to the maid, he reached for the glass of milk and took a sip just as the lady of the Eyrie cut in with a glint.

“Indeed, it is. Alas! It could have been yours,” and he nearly spluttered at the sultry tone of the ruler of the Eyrie, who was suddenly looking at him with hungry eyes.

“After all, when I last visited the capital, it was to offer a match between you and me. A shame that I had to see you fight a dragon just for another woman’s hand,” and then she looked at him with a pointed gaze as she continued.

“Though wed we may not, I still wouldn’t mind taking someone like you to my bed. After all, you must have heard the rumors about me,” and of course, he had. Many people called her a harlot, one who devoured men by the dozen, and well for someone of her beauty it wouldn’t really be a problem.

She grinned at him, sipping her own goblet, leaning forward over the table as she gave him a sultry gaze.

He gulped as he replied.

“I wouldn’t know about that, for though I will confess to hearing of such rumors, I would rather put my stock in the other one,” he said as he took another sip and looked towards the redhead by her side, who had paled at his words and was looking rather afraid.

“Ahh! So, you have heard then, I believe it wouldn’t bother you much if I do this,” began Jeyne as she leaned towards Jessamyn and took the redhead’s head in her hands and gave the other a kiss on her lips.

The redhead reacted moments later, slowly pushing away her liege lady as she shouted in a scandalized voice.

“Jeyne!” Though she was not the only one as Rhaenyra’s voice cut in from behind.




Rhaenyra Targaryen sat with Aenys, her eyes continuously glancing to her right towards the lady of the Vale and her red-haired companion, her mind still reeling from what she had walked in on.

She, of course, was aware of such rumors about the lady of the Vale, about her preference for her own gender, much like Laenor Velaryon. Yet he had never given much thought to them, yet what she had observed had taken her by surprise.

Not only were those rumors true, but from the way her uncle beside her wasn’t bothered, disgusted, or surprised spoke that he was not only aware of them, but he didn’t mind it all.

The wedding was a delightful affair, and both Lady Rhea and her lord husband-to-be stood in front of the Septon saying their vows as she decided to let her curiosity get the better of her.

“So, I am to take that you were aware of Lady Jeyne’s preferences,” she questioned her uncle in a whisper as she leaned towards him.

He gave her a small nod, as he confirmed her suspicion.

“I was,” he answered rather non-chalantly.

“And you don’t think there is anything wrong with that,” she added, and he looked towards her.

“Who am I to render judgment over something like that? She is entitled to love and take to bed whomever she wants,” he said rather nonchalantly. And it triggered something in her, bringing up old memories of from years age as she recalled laying in the Godswood, with a tumultuous heart.

And when she didn’t speak up for a moment, he glanced towards her and leaned forward.

“Ok, let me tell you something. This may be uncommon here in Westeros, but in Braavos, this is much more common than you may think. I personally know of a few rather famous courtesans who take women to bed. Gods, there even was a Sealord who only managed to rise to his position for his lady wife was so beautiful that two of the most famous courtesans were besotted with her,” he added, and her eyes widened with shock.

“Impossible!” she gasped out rather loudly as she saw several of the lords stare at her, making her look down embarrassingly.

And when they straightened up, she continued.

“It is,” he added, and she couldn’t believe her ears.

“And what of the offer she made to you earlier,” she asked, her eyes narrowing. Offering to bed him, she had heard that as well and had been about to cut in, ready to tear into her own cousin, yet had bene surprised by what had occurred afterwards.

“What of it?” he replied, being rather braise about it, not getting her point.

“She wants to bed you while knowing that you are a married man!” she whispered rather forcefully, and saw him smirk as the vows finished and everyone roared and clapped for the new couple. The Hall was filled with commotion as Aenys leaned towards her and shrugged.

“A thousand women want to sleep with me; many have even offered a chance to bed my own lady wife. Yet it doesn’t matter; as long as I am with Alicent, I will not betray her,” he replied; her words assured her, though he had to continue with a smirk.

“Though if she were to agree,” he said as he wiggled her brows, as he broke out in a chuckle.

“What is that supposed to mean!” she questioned, face flushed, as she gave him a glare. He broke out into a small chuckle.

“Well, you may not know it, but my lady wife is rather famous in Braavos. They call her a Dragon’s prize, and let’s just say even she has her own set of admirers most of whom are of the fairer sex,” he replied, with a smile as he and she couldn’t believe they were talking of his lady wife like this.

Of course, Alicent was beautiful. She had been one of the realm’s most prized ladies before her marriage to Aenys, though hearing about her infamy in Braavos from Aenys was like this, she was not ready for this.

“UGHH!” she said as she rolled her eyes and pretended to cover her ears.

“I cannot hear any more of this,” she said as she shook her head. Her mind had taken on enough.

By then, the couple had stepped off the stage, and the singers and bards had taken their place, and music began to flow through the Halls.

Immediately, she could feel the gazes turn towards her as the lords wished to dance with her, though Uncle Aenys was quick to offer his arm as he gave her a short bow.

“Does the princess care for a dance?” he offered, and she nodded. He placed her hand in his and pulled her to the center of the stage beside the newlywed couple as the bards began to sing.

They began to move through the dance floor, her uncle Aenys pulling her through the floor expertly, his hand on her back steadying her as they circled through the floor.

“But wasn't a match between you and Lady Jeyne being considered before you married Alicent,” she suddenly recalled, and he nodded.

“Yes, it was. Though I cannot say with certainty what she was thinking, I believe she offered it so she could secure her succession, much like this match does,” he replied, making her frown, remembering their earlier discussion from Kingslanding.

“By ensuring the support of House Royce,” she recalled, and he nodded.

“Indeed,” and then he pointed towards a certain group of lords and knights, which were all gathered in the corner of the room, gazing at the proceedings with ominous gazes.

“And not everyone in the Vale is happy about this match,” he told her and she recognized some of those sigils. They belonged to the supports of Jeyne’s cousin, Ronnel, the one who was locked away in the sky cells for rebellion.

It somewhat reminded her of her own circumstances, where her own uncle wished to usurp her. Though unlike Jeyne, she had made a different choice. Was it right? She though as the first song came to an end, as both her and Aenys separated and gave each other a small bow.

She didn’t wish to dance, and play coy with all these lords and her apprehension must have showed as Aenys whispered.

“I will find you again, soon,” he said as Lady Rhea Royce moved towards him, and offered him his hand. Aenys gave the newly wed bride, who was wearing a light brown dress, that shimmered like polished bronze, her hair had tied in a simple braid, as gold tiara decorated her head.

And thankfully, the groom himself strode infront of her. Joffery Arryn, she had met the man previously and he was rather gruff looking person with a scar running down the side of his face. His hair were long and reached his shoulders, and had curls in them. He wore a doublet of dark blue, with the Arryn sigil embroidered in silver thread.

“Congratulations on your marriage, Ser Joffrey,” she offered and the man nodded.

“Thank you, princess,” he said as she extended her hand, and just as the man took it, someone began to clap rather loudly.


And she frowned, as dread pooled in her heart at the sound of those claps. The people in the Hall moved away, making a path for this newcomer who shouted in an all too familiar voice.

“It seems you all began celebrating without me!” and she recognized that voice instantly, and the way Aenys moved, he did so as well, as did perhaps many other people in the Hall.

Daemon Targaryen walked into the Hall, clapping as he moved forward.

“A lovely wedding, I would say. Let us hope it doesn’t end like the previous one!” he said, looking towards Lady Royce, who was rather pale. Though Aenys and Ser Joffrey now stood infront of her as Aenys shouted.

“What the hell are you doing here, Daemon? You are not welcome here!”

“Indeed!” Jeyne Arryn cut in as she cut in through the men and moved forward, eyes blazing as she pointed towards the guards.

“GUARDS!” she shouted, and several men in armor stepped forward.

“There is no need for that; I only came to say my greetings. And to inform you all of another news,” and from the way his orbs moved towards her, as Daemon smirked, she knew that this was in no way good news.

“Escort him out of the castle this instant!” Lady Arryn said to the guards as the men encircled the Prince; swords were drawn, yet he seemed unbothered.

“I am to wed Lady Laena Velaryon in three weeks,” and she stilled for that was the time of her own wedding, or at least around the time her own wedding’s ceremony was to come to an end.

“I hope you can all attend!”




God daemon is such a hate able character


You can appreciate the amount of disrespect towards both the Vale and the royal house. A wedding so close to the one of the crown princess and not approved? WOW I thought Lady Arryn was firmly lesbian. Curious she is a bi Is Rhaenyra ready to try some new dishes?🤭 Curious about the future dinamic between The Hightower siblings, Rhaenyra and her uncle Hopefully she will decide to fight for the throne as is her right